Leo Tolstoy was a Russian writer and
moral philosopher, and one of the world’s greatest novelists. He was born on
April 30,1828 and died on Feb. 14, 1910. His writings (1)
influenced much of 20th-century literature, and his moral
(2) helped shape the thinking of several important
(3) and political leaders. Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy was born (4) a family of noble landowners at his family (5) south of Moscow. His early education came from tutors at home, but after the deaths of his parents in the 1830s, he was (6) by relatives. He entered Kazan’ University when he was 16 but preferred to educate himself independently, and in 1847 he (7) his studies without finishing his degree. His next 15 years were very (8) . Tolstoy returned to manage the family estate, with the determination to i A. estate B. property C. wealth D. assets [多项选择]肾癌的主要临床表现为()
A. 血尿 B. 尿频 C. 腰痛 D. 肿块 E. 消瘦乏力 [单项选择]力争到二〇三五年()国防和军队现代化,到本世纪中叶把人民军队()世界一流军队。
A. 全面实现;基本建成 B. 全面实现;全面建成 C. 基本实现;基本建成 D. 基本实现;全面建成 [单项选择]When under maneouvring conditions with the machinery being manually operated the control unit or console should be ()
A. automatically controlled B. continuously manned C. off power D. none of the above is true [单项选择]下面不属于消费信用的基本形式是( )。
A. 分期付款购买 B. 赊销 C. 预付定金 D. 消费贷款 [单选题]患者,女性,50 岁,诊断为肝炎后肝硬化腹水,实验室检查乙肝表面抗原阳性,作为她的责任护士,以下隔离措施错误的是( )
A.必须单人隔离 B.护理患者时需穿隔离衣和带手套 C.注意洗手,严防被注射针头等利器刺伤 D.被污染的室内表面物品,立即用消毒液擦拭或喷洒 E.陪护人员应采取相应的措施 [判断题]安全防护用品分为防坠落安全防护用品,防触电安全防护用品和其他安全防护用品三大类。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]撰写调研报告必须注意的事项,不包括()。
A. 实事求是 B. 要有鲜明的倾向注意内外有别 C. 观点和材料要统一 D. 不能主观臆断 [单项选择]我国()年就提出了转换经济发展方式。
A. 1995 B. 1999 C. 2002 D. 2005 [单项选择]下列说法正确的是( )。
A. 弯起钢筋的高度等于构件高度减保护层厚度 B. 弯起钢筋的高度等于构件高度加保护层厚度 C. 保护层厚度等于斜长减构件高度 D. 构件高度等于弯起钢筋的高度减保护层厚度 [单项选择]房地产市场中供求变化比较剧烈,因此需根据()经常对租金水平进行调整。
A. 市场状况 B. 经营策划 C. 市场需求 D. 市场供求 [单选题]当车站发生火灾,值班站长根据现场情况组织人员利用灭火器、()等进行初期灭火处置
A.气灭系统 B.沙土 C.水桶 D.消防水 [单项选择]以下交易中不属于即期交易的是()。
A. 外汇买卖成交后,在两个营业日内办理外汇业务 B. 外汇买卖成交后,当日办理收付交割 C. 在成交日后第二个营业日交割的外汇交易 D. 在成交日后第三个营业日交割的外汇交易 [填空题]
Once you are hired by a company, you will probably have
business cards. A business card is printed with your name, title, company{{U}}
(11) {{/U}}and phone number. Presenting a business card can provide
information and help to make a good impression. For example, when you{{U}}
(12) {{/U}}for a business interview, give the secretary your card.
Pronounce your name{{U}} (13) {{/U}}, and explain your business
purpose. Sit quietly{{U}} (14) {{/U}}the person you want to see arrives
or you are told what to do. When you leave,{{U}} (15) {{/U}}that you
thank the secretary for any help she has given you. [单选题]从融资性担保公司的业务资质、担保能力、履约记录等方面严格设定准入条件,实行____准入核准制,复核准入条件的方能纳入准入名单,开展融资担保业务合作。
A.季度 B.半年 C.年度 D.两年 [单项选择]关于胆囊触诊的描述,下列哪一项不正确()。
A. 正常胆囊常不能触及 B. 胆囊肿大时,在右肋缘下腹直肌外缘可触及梨形或卵圆形囊性物 C. 未触及胆囊肿大时,用左手掌平放于患者右胸下部,用拇指指腹勾压于右肋下胆囊点处,如嘱患者深吸气时出现胆囊点疼痛,称为胆囊触痛征阳性 D. Murphy征阳性是指出现胆囊触痛征阳性者伴有吸气动作终止现象 E. 内脏下垂时胆囊可在右肋缘下腹直肌外缘触及 [单选题]患者女.28岁。妊娠45天后出现阴道流血伴阵发性腹痛。妇科检查妊娠产物已部分排出体外,尚有部分残留于宫内。应采取以下哪项处理措施
A.卧床休息 B.做凝血功能检查 C.不需特殊处理 D.立即行清宫手术 E.行子宫内口缝扎术 [单选题]一国货币汇率具有上升趋势时称该国货币为 ( )
A. 疲软 B. 坚挺 C. 稳定 D. 贬值 [判断题] 以很大瞬时加速度作用于机件上的载荷称为冲击载荷。(易)( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交