Earlier this summer Arnold
Schwarzenegger, California’s governor, said that the state’s penal system was
"falling apart in front of our very eyes". Indeed so. Some 172,000 inmates are
crowded into institutions—from the state’s 33 prisons to its 12 "community
correctional facilities"—that are meant to house fewer than 90,000. Drug abuse
is rampant; so too are diseases such as HIV and hepatitis C. Race-based gangs
pose the constant threat of violence, riot and even murder. And with more than
16,000 prisoners sleeping in prison gymnasiums and classrooms, rehabilitation
programs are virtually non-existent—which helps to explain why two-thirds of
California’s convicts A. emphasize the fact that Schwarzenegger is still in his office. B. show the fact that drug abuse is rampant in prisons. C. point out that California has the highest convict rate in the US. D. introduce the topic of overcrowding problem in California prisons. [单选题]必须带电灭火时,应戴()等放护装备。
A.灭火防护服 B.电绝缘服 C.抢险救援服 D.避火服 [多选题]( )危险物品的车间、商店、仓库不得与员工宿舍在同一座建筑物内,并应当与员工宿舍保持安全距离。
A.生产 B.经营 C.储存 D.使用 [单项选择]为保证铸造金属全冠顺利戴入并有足够的固位力,轴面的最佳聚合角度应为()。
A. 1°~2° B. 2°~5° C. 5°~10° D. 8°~10° E. 15° [单选题]骨骼肌纤维的横小管由
A. 滑面内质网形成 B. 粗面内质网形成 C. 高尔基复合体形成 D. 肌浆网形成 E. 肌膜向肌纤维内凹陷形成 [多项选择]患者女性,34岁。8年前分娩一男婴,此后行人工流产术3次.末次妊娠为半年前.此次因停经45夭,阴道不规则流血10天就诊。查体:阴道光滑,宫颈膨隆,中度糜烂,呈紫蓝色,子宫稍大于正常,质软,无触痛,双附件未见异常。尿妊娠试验阳性。为明确诊断,需做的检查有()
A. B超 B. 血常规 C. 诊断性刮宫 D. TCT E. 血β-hCG F. 阴道镜 [单选题]心绞痛首选的治疗药物是
A.硝酸异山梨醇 B.硝酸甘油 C.卡托普利 D.哌唑嗪 E.硝苯地平 [多选题]在墙面粉刷石膏板时要怎么保证质量( )( )
A.抹灰前基层表面的尘土、污垢、油渍等应清理干净,并应洒水湿润。 B.抹灰后应在终凝前完成搓平、压光。 C.抹灰表面应光滑、洁净、颜色均匀、无抹纹,分格缝和灰线应清晰美观。 D.抹灰石膏的运输、储存和堆放均应防雨、防潮。 E.抹灰层的总厚度应符合设计要求;粉刷石膏砂浆不得与水泥砂浆层、石灰砂浆层等互用。 [简答题]什么是制动机? ZY P86T329)
A. 韦尔奇 B. 德鲁克 C. 赫兹伯格 D. 马斯洛 我来回答: 提交