Dear Linda, I have been in England for three months now. I hope you don’t think I’ve forgotten you. There have been so many places to see and so many things to do that I’ve not had much time for writing letters. I shall soon be starting my studies at King’s College. So far I’ve been learning about England and British ways of living. I won’t tell you about London. There are plenty of books you can read and plenty of pictures you can look at. I’m sure you’ll be more interested to know what I think about the life here. I find some of the customs(风俗) new and interesting. People here do not shake hands as much as we do in China. During the first few weeks I was often surprised because people did not put out their, hands when I met them. Men raise their hats to women but not to each other. [判断题]断路器本体机构三相不一致保护属于监控重点监视信号。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]红外测温测量设备发热点、正常相的对应点及环境温度参照体的温度值时,应使用两种及以上不同仪器进行对比测量()。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]按螺纹线的数目,可分为单线螺纹、双线螺纹()。
A.多线螺纹 B.三线螺纹 C.右旋螺纹 D.左旋螺纹 [单选题]这也正是苏州古城的气质,一定要经历过变迁 与_,见证过繁华与_,在一次次历史的锻打中,愈发的沉稳和_,不动声色的沧桑背后,孕育了对风雨袭来时的从容,对世俗快乐的追求。依次填人划横线处最恰当的一项是()。
A.动荡落败淡泊 B.漂泊破落淡定 C.飘摇落魄淡然 D.动乱破败淡雅 [多选题]电磁法检测钢筋保护层厚度应具备的条件有( )。
A.A、检测前应仪器校准 B.B、保护层厚度为10-50mm时保护层厚度检测允许偏差为±1mm C.C、钢筋间距检测允许偏差检测允许偏差为±3mm D.D、钢筋保护层厚度检测两次检测结果相差不大于1mm [单选题]关于施工总承包管理方主要特征的说法,正确的是( )。
A.在平等条件下可通过竞标获得施工任务并参与施工 B.不能参与业主的招标和发包工作 C.对于业主选定的分包方,不承担对其的组织和管理责任 D.只承担质量、进度和安全控制方面的管理任务和责任 [单选题]触电急救脱离电源,就是要把触电者接触的那一部分带电设备的( )断路器(开关)、隔离开关(刀闸)或其他断路设备断开;或设法将触电者与带电设备脱离开。
A.有关 B.所有 C.高压 D.低压 我来回答: 提交