The swelling ranks of successful
Ethiopians( 埃塞俄比亚人) on the international athletic track and the media attention
they are receiving has inspired thousands of youngsters to devote all their
energy to becoming the future champions of distance running. Haile currently
reigns(统治) supreme as the world’s greatest distance runner. He has set 15 world
records and at 2000 year’s Sydney Olympics he retained the Olympic Gold medal he
first won in 1996. He is the latest in a long line. The world woke up to this
phenomenon in the 1960 Roma Olympics, when Ethiopian Abebe Bikila won the men’s
marathon(马拉松) barefoot. Being born in the mountains means their bodies have already compensated for the lack of oxygen by having bigger hangs and more red blood cells. Not only do their bodies carry oxygen to the cells more efficiently; the cells A. the allowance B. the championships C. their lives D. their country [多选题]动火工作票签发人不应兼任该项工作的工作负责人。动火工作票由动火工作负责人填写。( )不应签发动火工作票。
A. A.安全总监 B.B.许可人 C.C.动火工作票的审批人 D.D.消防监护人 [判断题] 配制镉镍碱性蓄电池的电解液应用耐碱器具,并将水慢慢倒入电解液中。( ) (1.0分)
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]有断路器(开关)和插拔式熔断器的回路停电,应先断开断路器(开关),并在负荷侧正确相验明确无电压后,方可取下熔断器。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]出现脑疝应立即
A.降体温 B.输氧 C.气管切开 D.快速静脉注射脱水剂 E.平卧位 [多选题].在查找失踪人员时,应注意询问清楚()
A.询问报警人与失踪人员关系,失踪的时间、地点、原因 B.失踪人员的身份信息以及通信联络号码、主要社会关系 C.衣着体貌特征、身体精神状况 D.经常活动地点、失踪前接触人员 [单选题]铁路货车重车车体中梁、侧梁下垂须≤( )mm。
A.40 B.60 C.80 D.100 [多选题]机械设备按故障造成的后果分类可分为
A.致命故障 B.严重故障 C.一般故障 D.轻度故障 [单项选择] You are the network administrator for your company. The network consists of a single Active Directory domain. All domain controllers run Windows Server 2003. All client computers run Windows XP Professional. The company has legacy applications that run on UNIX servers. The legacy applications use the LDAP protocol to query Active Directory for employee information. The domain controllers are currently configured with the default security settings. You need to configure enhanced security for the domain controllers. In particular, you want to configure stronger password settings, audit settings, and lockout settings. You want to minimize interference with the proper functioning of the legacy applications. You decide to use the predefined security templates. You need to choose the appropriate predefined security template to apply to the domain controllers. What should you do?()
A. Apply the Setup security.inf template to the domain controllers. B. Apply the DC security.inf template to the domain controllers. C. Apply the Securedc.inf template to the domain controllers. D. Apply the Rootsec.inf template to the domain controllers. [判断题]当断路器液压机构突然失压时应申请停电隔离处理。在设备停电前,禁止人为启动油泵,防止断路器慢分。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]杆塔上有人工作时,()调整或拆除拉线
A.不准 B.可以 C.应合理 D.不宜 [单选题]铺设混凝土岔枕时,应用Ⅲ型混凝土枕过渡,Vmax<120km/h时,道岔直向两端过渡枕不得少于( )根。
A.38 B.50 C.65 D.75 [单项选择]Tim is in good shape physically()he doesn't get much exercise.
A. if B. even though C. unless D. as long as [单项选择]ZXA10 C220每个插箱配有两块电源板和()个槽位。
A. 12 B. 13 C. 14 D. 15 [单选题]
南网精神是( )。
A. 善于创新 乐于服务 B. 勇挑重担 争创一流 C. 勇于变革 乐于奉献 D. 辛苦我一人 点亮千万家 [单选题] 以下有关人眼敏感性的叙述,哪一条是正确的:( )
A.强白光下,人眼辨别色差能力强而辨别光强差别能力弱。 B.在暗光中,人眼辨别色差能力弱而辨别光强差别能力强。 C.从明亮处进入黑暗处,人眼大约需要 5分钟的暗适应时间。 D.以上都是。 [单选题]按照《国家电网公司电力安全工作规程(信息部分)》规定,网络设备或安全设备检修前,应( )
A.备份配置文件 B.根据需要备份运行参数 C.备份可能受影响的业务数据、配置文件、日志文件等 D.备份应用程序 [单选题]儿童票的座别应与成人车票相同,其到站不得( )成人车票的到站。
A.近于 B.等于 C.远于 D.少于 [判断题]( )194.故障抢修时,生产调度完成倒闸作业且故障区段已停电后,向要令人下达作业命令。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]腭大孔的描述,错误的是
A. 位于硬腭后部,上颌第三磨牙的腭侧 B. 在硬腭后缘的后方约0.5cm C. 相当于腭中缝至龈缘的外、中1/3处 D. 是翼腭管的下口 E. 腭前神经和腭大血管由此孔穿出 [判断题]在进行110kV建洪线停电检修工作时,工作负责人安排工作班成员许某开展验电工作,许某未使用验电器进行验电,根据避雷器在线监测仪显示泄漏电流为0,判断线路已停电,即开展装设接地线的工作。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]What does the man want the woman to do
A. Hold the ladder for him. B. Paint the roof. C. Climb up the ladder. D. Take care while she is up the ladder. [单项选择]要将个人喜爱的网站地址存放到收藏夹,可用以下4步完成,正确的顺序是()。①链接到相关的网站②选择创建位置,或用默认创建位置③单击收藏夹按钮,再单击添加到收藏夹按钮④单击添加按钮
A. ①②③④ B. ①③②④ C. ②④①③ D. ③①⑦④ [单选题]可防止信贷风险过于集中于某一行业的限额管理类别是( )。
A.A B.B C.C D.D 我来回答: 提交