Every culture attempts to create a
"universe of discourse" for its members, a way in which people can interpret
their experience and convey it to one another. Without a common system of
codifying sensations, life would be absurd and all efforts to share meanings
doomed to failure. This universe of discourse—one of the most precious of all
cultural legacies—is transmitted to each generation in part consciously and in
part unconsciously. Parents and teachers give explicit instruction in it by
praising or criticizing certain ways of dressing, of thinking, of gesturing, of
responding to the acts of others. But the most significant aspects of any
cultural code may be conveyed implicitly, not by rule or lesson but through
modeling behavior. A child is surrounded by others who, through the mere
consistency of their actions as males and females, A. The grammatical rules in the language used by the largest population in a culture. B. Rules in a culture that can be modeled on by another culture. C. Any rules that people in a culture receive throughout his life time. D. Rules and codes that shape one’s cultural perspective and behavior. [判断题]输变电协议库存物资需求预测于每次协议库存截止前2个月,开展规模预测摸底工作。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]降料面停炉,应达到均匀喷水和喷水雾化。
[单选题]91. 每名驻站联络员防护的作业组不得超过( )组,超过时应增设驻站联络员。
A.2 B.3 C.4 D.5 [单项选择]患儿,男,3岁。反复化脓性细菌感染,血清IgG<2g/L,淋巴结无生发中心,T细胞数量和功能正常,初步诊断()
A. 先天性胸腺发育不良 B. Bruton综合征 C. 缺铁性贫血 D. AIDS E. 急性淋巴细胞白血病 [单项选择]Despite wars, famines, and epidemics, Earth’ s population is booming ahead to new records--with no end insight.
Every day, the world adds enough people to populate a medium-sized city in the US. In one month, the number of new world citizens equals the population of New York City. Every year, there are 90 million more mouths to feed, more than the total population of Germany.
Several factors are propelling this rapid growth, including an element that is often overlooked: the huge number of teenagers who axe becoming mothers, particularly in the countries of sub-Saharan Africa. In four African nations--Niger, Mali, Sierra Leone, and Ivory Coast-- 1 out of every 5 adolescent females of childbearing age has a baby annually. The US Bureau of the Census says this high rate of motherhood among teens has helped to maintain the high pace of births across most of the African continent. By starting a family early, a typical woman is Somalia, for instance, has seven children during her li
A. rare in developed countries B. most prevalent in Indonesia C. common in Rwanda D. solely responsible for population increases [单选题]患者,王某,因小腿胫腓骨双骨折,行切开复位内固定术,术前应禁食: ( )
A.10小时 B.6小时 C.12小时 D.8小时 [单项选择]25岁未婚女性,初潮14岁,近3年月经周期逐渐延长,内分泌激素检查结果:LH/FSH>3。初步诊断应为()
A. 闭经 B. 多囊卵巢综合征 C. 功血 D. 卵巢早衰 E. 垂体功能低下 [判断题]乙炔瓶使用时必须安装专用加压器.( )市書华出豁卡.小装合道塑曼箱蘖屏宁天漭渊椭游5.09
A.正确 B.错误 [名词解释]养分平衡施肥 balanced nutrients fertilization
A.髂外动脉 B.髂内动脉 C.髂总动脉 D.股动脉 E.臀下动脉 [单选题]LKJ2000型监控装置在平面调车控制模式下,连接信号后,再接收到停车信号时,延时( )秒限速降为0km/h。
A.10 B.20 C.25 D.15 我来回答: 提交