The study of philosophies should make our own ideas
flexible. We are all of us apt to take certain general ideas for granted, and
call them common sense. We should learn that other people have held quite
different ideas, and that our own have started as very original guesses of
philosophers. A scientist is apt to think that all the problems of philosophy will ultimately be solved by science. I think this is true for a great many of the questions on which philosophers still argue. For example, Plato thought that when we saw something, one ray of light came to it from the sun, and another from our eyes and that seeing was something like feeling with a stick. We now know that the light comes from the sun, and is reflected into our eyes. We don’t know in much detail how the changes in our eyes give rise to sensation. But there is ev A. The argument whether philosophy will ultimately be solved by science or not B. The importance of learning philosophies, especially the history of philosophy. C. The difference between philosophy and science. D. A discuss about how to set a proper attitude towards future. [单选题]作业时,起重机臂架、吊具、辅具、钢丝绳及吊物等与110kV架空输电线及其他带电体的最小安全距离不准小于()m。且应设专人监护。
A.3 B.4 C.5 D.6 [单项选择]Let’s try to find out why getting fiber from whole foods is important for a healthy diet. Fiber has never been (67) you’d call a healthy nutrient. Suddenly, it’s a superstar: Manufacturers are (68) it to yogurt, juice, even (69) sweetener.
But as with many (70) , there’s an unseemly back story: Experts aren’t sure that these fiber-boosted foods are (71) trying. Yes, you should eat lots of fiber. There’s no question that a diet (72) in high-fiber foods is a powerful lifesaver-it’s known to (73) the risk of heart disease and diabetes, and it helps (74) weight gain. Recent studies show a fiber-rich cuts the risk of breast cancer, too, and the (75) you’ll develop cancer of the small intestine. But the new foods might not (76) That’s (77) many of them use "isolated" fiber-stuff that’s been (78) out of the foods that (79) contained it A. decrease B. lessen C. relieve D. lower [判断题]经办人员要密切关注对反担保物的检查,发现问题及时通报总行。不用通报担保公司。(0.24分)
A.正确 B.错误 [不定项选择题] 年,中国人民银行加大了宏观金融调控的力度,灵活连用货币政策工具:第一,运用公开市场操作,2007年蔡计发行央行票据4.07W亿,其中对商业银行定向发行的3年期央行票据5550亿;第二,适时运用存款准备金率工具,年内共上调人民币存款准备金率10次;第三,年内6次上调金融机构人民币存贷款基准利率。
上调金融机构人民币存贷款基准利率的主要目的是( )。
A.促进货币信贷和投资的增长 B.抑制货币信贷和投资的增长 C.促进外贸出 D.抑制外贸出 [单项选择]航空运单与海运提单的区别是()。
A. 前者是货物收据,后者不是 B. 后者是货物收据,前者不是 C. 前者是物权凭证,后者不是 D. 后者是物权凭证,前者不是 [单项选择]男,24岁,左腰胀痛1个月,查体:左腰扪及肿块,B超发现左肾积水,排泄性尿路造影左肾不显影,为明确诊断,下一步该进行的检查是()
A. CT B. MRI C. 肾囹 D. 经皮穿刺肾动脉造影 E. 逆行性尿路造影 [判断题] 场车车库内不准存放汽油、柴油等易燃物品,油棉纱要集中存放在加盖的铁桶内,并及时处理。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]关于纤维,有机材料和天然材料的比较
38-40配对题:越白的材料就越自然,选C 反对
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