Cocktail refers to mixed alcoholic
drink. There are many versions about its origin, the most authentic of which
appears to be one about how in 1776 a bar in New York decorated itself with
colorful cocktails to attract customers. One day, a local gentleman came with
some friends to have a drink, After a few rounds he got slightly drunk and
called a waitress to order a "cocktail". The resourceful waitress mixed a few
drinks in a glass, added some water to weaken the solution so that it wouldn’t
knock the gentleman out, and stuck a feather to the side of the glass when she
served it. The gentleman liked it so much that he regularly came for more, and
that was how "cocktail" came into being and got spread around. Cocktail can be
served all the year round, usually with ice cubes. There are dozens of different
mixtures with different col A. on purpose B. out of curiosity C. with an accident D. by chance [判断题]增斜钻进中按螺杆钻具使用规定,保持钻井液排量。钻压控制以及井口随钻测斜仪表盘数值变化为依据进行调整,指示数值偏离设计数值在3°以内
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]在C#中,解析XML的类都存放在以下哪个命名空间中(选一项)
A.System.Xml B.System.Xml.Schema C.System.Xml.Xsl D.System.Xml.XPath [单项选择]What do we know about the man
A. He gets up early on Sundays. B. He gets up late on Sundays. C. He likes sleeping. [多项选择]在行政赔偿中,赔偿请求人要求赔偿应当先向赔偿义务机关提出,也可以在()一并提出。
A. 申请行政复议时 B. 提起行政诉讼时 C. 进行行政调解时 D. 执行行政处罚时 [单项选择]根据《柴油车排放污染防治技术政策》,为达到相当于欧洲第三阶段排放控制水平的要求,新生产柴油车及车用柴油机可采用( )的综合治理技术路线。
A. 新型燃油泵、高压燃油喷射、废气再循环(EG、增压、中冷等技术相结合 B. 电控燃油高压喷射(如电控单体泵、电控高压共轨、电控泵喷嘴等)、增压中冷、废气再循环(EG及安装氧化型催化转化器等技术相结合 C. 更高压力的电控燃油喷射、可变几何的增压中冷、冷却式废气再循环(EG、多气阀技术、可变进气涡流等,并配套相应的排气后处理技术 D. 更高压力的电控燃油喷射、可变几何的增压中冷、冷却式废气再循环(EG、多气阀技术、可变进气涡流 [判断题]银行兑换返回车站的硬币,确认封条正确完好,不必清点,补币时直接按照银行返零加封数加入钱箱内。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]()是指资金的转移过程,包括付款、转账、兑换等过程。
A. 物资流 B. 资金流 C. 信息流 [单项选择]关于原发性免疫缺陷病的特点不正确的是()
A. 由于免疫系统先天性发育不良所致 B. 易发生反复而严重的感染 C. 可接种疫苗来预防感染 D. 易发生恶性肿瘤 E. 临床表现及病理损害多样 [判断题]总行规定,非本人也可查询贷记卡申请进度,也可告知账户相关信息。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]对于经过标准化后的两组样本率()
A. 可直接比较,得出结论 B. 还需作假设检验才可得出结论 C. 可做t检验得出结论 D. 经方差分析得出结论 E. 以上都不是 [单项选择]《上海市除四害工作管理暂行规定》第十六条指出:除害服务单位应当自取得工商营业执照或者成立之日起()日内向所在地区、县爱卫办备案。
A. 5 B. 10 C. 15 D. 20 [单项选择]男,65岁,上腹部不适,食欲不振3个月。近1个月来,出现黄疸病进行性加重,伴有低热,无疼痛。查体:全身黄染,可扪及肿大的胆囊,血胆红素171μmol/L,尿胆红素阳性
首先应考虑下列哪项诊断 A. 胰头癌 B. 慢性胰腺炎 C. 病毒性肝炎 D. 胆囊炎、胆石症 [单项选择]{{B}}Passage One
Questions 26 to 29 are based on the passage you have just heard.{{/B}}
A. A child may accept another person’s underestimate of his ability. B. He may think that he is too young to make the most of his mental faculties. C. A person may have the idea that he is incapable of doing good work. D. Some old people don’t believe that they are capable of learning anything new. 我来回答: 提交