Eskimo villages today are larger and
more complex than the traditional nomadic groups of Eskimo kinsmen. Village
decision making is organized through community councils and co-operative boards
of directors, institutions which the Eskimos were encouraged by the government
to adopt. They have been more readily accepted in villages like Fort Chimo where
there is an individualistic wage ethos and where ties of kinship are less
important than in the rural village such as Port Burwell, where communal sharing between kinsmen is more emphasized. Greater contact with southern Canadians and better educational facilities have shown Fort Chimo Eskimos that it is possible to argue and negotiate with the government rather than to acquiesce passively in its policies. The old-age paternalism of southern Canadian A. providing schools. B. safeguarding their traditional means of livelihood. C. encouraging agricultural production. D. promoting industrial job possibilities. [填空题]
A.雨淋报警阀 B.开式洒水喷头 C.闭式喷头 D.火灾报警装置或传动管、管道、供水设施 [单项选择]维拉帕米不能用于治疗()
A. 心绞痛 B. 严重心力衰竭 C. 高血压 D. 室上性心动过速 E. 心房纤颤 [单项选择]下列哪一项不属于内伤发热的诊断要点()
A. 起病缓慢,病程长 B. 多为低热 C. 多为高热 D. 自觉发热,体温并不高 E. 有反复发热史 [判断题]勘验笔录和现场笔录属于道路运输行政执法的证据。()
[多选题]公共汽车在线路运营途中发生故障无法继续运营时,驾驶员应( )。
A.及时向乘客说明原因 B.拨打119报警电话 C.安排乘客免费改乘同方向线路的后续车辆或者采取其他有效措施疏导乘客 D.及时报告运营企业 [判断题]按带式输送机输送带宽度不同,机尾轨道的轨距有1362毫米和1100毫米两种规格。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]3 8 7 11 11 14________( )
A. 14 17 B. 15 17 C. 16 18 D. 13 18 [单选题]实行单人操作的设备、项目及人员需经设备运维管理单位或( )批准,人员应通过专项考核。
A.A.调度控制中心 B.B.调度值班员 C.C.检修单位 D.D.安监部门 E.略 F.略 G.略 [判断题]单机附挂车辆时,列车调度员无须向司机发布调度命令。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]有一些常用的共享文件,希望在计算机启动后就能使用,这就需要采用安装文件系统的方式是( )
A.命令方式 B.自动方式 C.动态方式 D.静态方式 [填空题]控制台断丝表示灯亮红灯时,应立即通知<--NRC-->工区前来检查处理。
A.大型建筑企业X B.保险经纪公司Y C.财产保险公司Z D.建筑工程保险合同 [单选题]汽轮机轴颈的圆周速度和润滑油黏度越() ,则径向轴承的承载能力越(),而油压越高则产生的承载能力越大。( )
A. 大,小; B. 小,大; C. 大,大; D. 恒定,大。 [判断题]储气罐每年至少进行一次外部检查,每五年至少进行一次内外部检验;每六年至少进行一次耐压试验。( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交