Task 1
Directions:After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfinished statements, numbered 36 through 40. For each question or statement there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. You should make the correct choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.
The biggest safety threat facing airlines today may not be a terrorist with a gun, but the man with the portable computer in business class. In the last 15 years, pilots have reported well over 100 incidents that could have been caused by electromagnetic interference. The source of this interference remains unconfirmed, but increasingly, experts are pointing the blame at portable electronic devices, such as portable computers, radio and cassette players and mobile telephones. RTCA, an o A. the defects of electronic devices B. a new regulation for all airlines C. effective safety measures for air flight D. a possible cause of aircraft crashes [单选题]胸外心脏按压训练双手掌根重叠,十指相扣,掌心翘起,手指离开胸壁,上半身前倾,双臂伸直,垂直向下用力、有节奏地按压( )次(易)
A.20 B.30 C.40 D. 50 [单选题]货物列车列尾装置尾部主机的安装与摘解,由()人员负责。
A.车辆 B.机务 C.车务 D.列检 [单选题]三相半波可控整流电路,变压器次级相电压有效值为100V,负载中流过的最大电流有效值为157A,考虑2倍的安全裕量,晶闸管应选择()型。
A.KP200—10 B.KP200—1 C.KP200—5 D.KS200—5 [单项选择]“精血同源”是指下述哪两脏的关系:()
A. 脾与肝 B. 心与肾 C. 肝与肾 D. 肺与肾 E. 脾与肾 [判断题]预制式电缆终端耐寒、热性能优越,在-80~2500C范围内电、物理、机械性能稳定。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]张某持刀企图强奸女青年兰某,兰某奋力抵抗,在夺刀的过程中将刀刺入张某动脉导致张某失血过多死亡。对兰某的行为判断正确的是:
A.故意杀人 B.正当防卫 C.防卫过当 D.意外事件 [多项选择]怎样理解“熟能生巧”
2. 例如:在英语学习中…… 3. 又如…… [多选题]现场补抄时,应认真核对电力客户电能表(____)等信息,检查电能计量装置运行是否正常,封印是否完好。
A.箱位 B.表位 C.表号 D.倍率 [判断题]真空灭弧室中的动、静触头断开过程中,产生电弧的主要因素是依靠触头产生的金属蒸气使触头间产生电弧。()( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]Part Ⅳ Cloze Directions: In this part, there is a passage with 15 blanks. For each blank there are four choices mrarked A, B, C and D.