For years there have been endless
articles stating that scientists are on the verge of achieving artificial
intelligence, that it is just around the corner. The truth is that it may be
just around the corner, but they haven’t yet found the right clock. Artificial intelligence aims to build machines that can think. One immediate problem is to define thought, which is harder than you might think. The specialists in the field of artificial intelligence complain, with some justification, that anything that their machines do is dismissed as not being thought. For example, computers can now play very, very good chess. They can’t beat the greatest players in the world, but they can beat just about anybody else. If a human being played chess at this level, he or she would certainly be considered smart. Why not a machine The answer i A. cleverness in thinking out original moves B. ability to pick up the best out of all possible moves very quickly C. flexibility in choosing several different moves D. ability to see patterns [单项选择]某大厦总建筑面积10000m2,房地总价值6000万元,其中,土地总价值2500万元。某人拥有该大厦的某一部分,该部分的房地价值为,180万元,建筑面积为240m2。如果按照土地价值进行分摊,则该人占有的土地份额为()。
A. 2.4% B. 3.0% C. 3.8% D. 7.2% [判断题]自收自支、差额拨款且账户有足够余额的机关事业单位缴纳社保费既可以通过直缴入库开具纸质缴款书又可以通过三方协议电子划缴。这句话是否正确?( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]广告施工高处作业用吊装设备吊装物件时除高处与地面人员用手势等沟通外还应( )。
A.配备对讲设备防止误判 B.用哨音沟通 C.用旗语沟通 [多项选择]下列各项中,( )属于民事责任的形式。
A. 警告 B. 赔偿损失 C. 返还财产 D. 没收违法所得 [简答题]动漫《名侦探柯南》中,毛利兰是哪项武术运动的高手?
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]以下哪种情况不适用固定桥修复()
A. 老年患者,牙槽骨吸收不超过根长1/3 B. 老年患者,余留牙动度不超过Ⅰ度 C. 拔牙后3个月,拔牙创未完全愈合,牙槽嵴吸收未稳定 D. 缺牙区毗邻牙牙髓病变已行完善的根管治疗 E. 对颌牙伸长导致缺牙间隙龈牙合高度过小,但能够采取措施调牙合磨短对颌伸长牙 [判断题]化脓性脑膜炎的病因:新生儿以肺炎双球菌,流感杆菌为多见。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]使用手提式灭火器灭火时,先将灭火器从设置点提至距离燃烧物( )米处,然后拔掉保险销,一手握住喷筒,另一手握住开启压把并用力压下鸭嘴,灭火剂喷出,对准火焰根部进行扫射灭火。
A.2-3 B.3-5 C.2-5 D.10 [单项选择]中国清一色农耕形态的形成,实际上与几千年来盛行的“重农主义”是()
A. 毫无关系 B. 本末关系 C. 交叉关系 D. 大有关系 [不定项选择题]对一、二、三级大气环境影响评价项目,其评价范围的边长有不同的取值区间。下列确定评价范围边长的原则中,正确的有()。
A.平原取下限 B.复杂地形取下限 C.平原取上限 D.复杂地形取上限 E.如果外临近区域含有环境敏感区,要延长边长 [单选题]男,23岁。既往体健。半小时前从4米高处摔下,左胸疼痛、呼吸困难急诊。神清合作、轻度发绀,左前胸壁lOcmXlocm皮下淤血,胸壁浮动,可触及骨摩擦,两肺未闻湿哕音。胸片见左4、5、6肋各有两处骨折、肋隔角稍钝。
A.吸痰 B.气管切开 C.气管内插管 D.胸壁包扎固定、止痛 E.呼吸机辅助呼吸 [单项选择]某二氧化碳压缩机隔板采用的材质为1Crl3,此种材质是()。
A. 马氏体不锈钢 B. 铁素体不锈钢 C. 奥氏体不锈钢 D. 铸钢 [多项选择]联保贷款可用于下列用途()。(出自《农村信用合作社农户联保贷款指引》)
A. 种植业、养殖业等农业生产费用贷款 B. 加工、手工、商业等个体经营贷款 C. 财政性贷款 D. 助学贷款 E. 贷款人同意的其他用途 [填空题]质谱的两个数据库搜索工具:()和()
对 错 A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]某市发改委主持召开听证会,就城市供水价格改革方案征求意见。该市发改委的做法说明()。①我国公民是政府决策的制定者②公民直接参与决策过程,是推进决策科学化、民主化的重要环节③选出代表人民意志的人进入决策机关是决策科学、合理的重要保证④政府坚持对人民负责的原则
A.①②④ B.①②③ C.②④ D.③④ [判断题]小区搜索的目的是实现下行同步
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]( )简单控制系统由被控对象、测量变送单元和调节器组成。
[单项选择]对诊断系统性红斑狼疮最有意义的检查是( )
A. 免疫球蛋白测定 B. 抗核抗体 C. 总补体溶血活力测定 D. E玫瑰花环试验 E. 淋巴细胞转化试验 [多选题]行使( )职权的机关以及看守所、监狱管理机关及其工作人员在行使职权时有《国家赔偿法》第17条、第18条规定的侵犯人身权、财产权的情形之一的,受害人有取得赔偿的权利。
A.审判 B.检察 C.侦查 D.监察 [判断题]检测过程中,对于面状发热部位(如套管压接板),可采用区域最高温度自动跟踪,以发现发热源。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]托幼机构使用的消毒药必须有工商行政部门批准的有效许可证,并在有效期内使用。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [不定项选择题]Eleanor Roosevelt was the wife of America′s 32nd president,Franklin Roosevelt.She helped her husband in?many ways during his long(21)life.She also became one of the most(22)women in America.She fought for?equal rights for all people.
Eleanor was born in New York City in 1884.Her family had great wealth.But Eleanor did not have a happy(23).Her parents died when she was very young.She was raised by her grandmother.Eleanor(24)that as a?child,her greatest happiness came from helping others.
tn the early 1900s,many people were worried about the problems of(25)people who came to America in(26)of a better life.Eleanor could not(27)how people lived in such poor conditions while she and some others?had so much(28).
After she finished school,Eleanor began(29)children to read and write in one of the poorest areas of New?York City.She also looked into(30)where workers were said to be badly(31).She saw little children of four?and five years old working until they(32)to the floor.She became involved(参与)with other women who(33)the same ideas about improving social conditions.
Franklin Roosevelt began(34)Eleanor when he was in New York.They got(35)in 1905.In the next eleven?years,they had six children.The Roosevelts moved to Washington
D. 1913.
A.honour C.memory D.favor [判断题]调车色灯复示信号机无显示——表示调车信号机在开放状态。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]It was____________________(在危难时刻) that I finally found out what he was really like.
[单选题]城市轨道交通线路、运营单位和城市线网服务质量评价工作适用 规范。
A.城市轨道交通服务质量评价 B.运输局服务质量评价 C.客运局服务质量评价 D.公交分局服务质量评价 我来回答: 提交