Can Buildings be Designed to Resist Terrorist
Attack In the aftermath of the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center, structural engineers are trying hard to solve a question that a month ago would have been completely unthinkable. Can buildings be designed to withstand catastrophic blasts inflicted by terrorists’ Ten day’s after the terrorist attacks on the twin towers, structural engineers from the University at Buffalo and the Multidisciplinary Center for Earthquake Engineering Research(MCEER) headquartered at UB traveled to ground zero(世贸中心被毁现场)as part of a project funded by the National Science Foundation. Visiting the site as part of an MCEER reconnaissance visit, they spent two days beginning the task of formulating ideas about how to design such structures and to searc A. was first proposed by some engineers at UB B. took about two days to complete C. was to investigate the damage caused by the terrorist attack D. was to find out why some buildings could survive the blasts [单选题]
《关于新形势下党内政治生活的若干准则》指出,( )是党的生命,是党内政治生活积极健康的重要基础。 A.党内民主 B.党内自由 C.党内团结 D.党内教育 [单项选择]长江集装箱船的强制报废船龄为()
A. 31年以上 B. 33年以上 C. 35年以上 D. 41年以上 [单选题]震颤麻痹患者常采取的步态是( )
A.蹒跚步态 B.醉酒步态 C.慌张步态 D.剪刀步态 E.跨阈步态 [多选题]关于电动系电测仪表刻度及读数,下述说法正确的是( )。
A.带有刀型指针的仪表,应使视线经指示器尖端与仪表度盘垂直,避免视差 B.-带有镜面标度尺的仪表,应使视线经指示器尖端与镜面反射像重合,避免视差 C.-标尺起始部分分度很密,读数困难,在标尺起始端有黑点标记以下的部分不宜使用 D.-电动系功率表的标度尺刻度也是不均匀的 E.电动系电流表和电压表的指针偏转角随两个线圈电流的乘积而变化,故标尺刻度不均匀 [单选题]在试验和推广新技术、新工艺、新设备、新材料的同时,应制定相应的( ),经本单位总工程师批准后执行。(0.5分)
A.技术措施和安全措施 B.技术措施 C.安全措施 [多选题]建筑施工企业取得安全生产许可证.应当具备下列哪些安全生产条件:( ).
A.建立、健全安全生产责任制.制定完备的安企生产规章制度和操作规程 B.保证本单位安全生产条件所需资金的投入 C.设置安全生产管理机构.按照国家有关规定配备专职安全生产管理人员 D.管理人员和作业人员每两年至少进行一次安企生产教育培训并考核合格 E.主要负责人项目负责人.专职安全生产管理人员经建设主管部门或者其他有关部门考核合格。 [简答题]简述动用明火作业前,动用明火申请部门及作业人员必须做到哪些要求?
A. 柴胡、葛根、升麻 B. 薄荷、蝉蜕、牛蒡子 C. 羌活、防风、藁本 D. 白芷、苍耳子、辛夷 E. 桑叶、菊花、蔓荆子 [简答题]从材料的角度考虑异种金属焊接主要包括哪三种情况?
As the population of the world keeps on growing, it gets more
and more difficult to feed everyone. The United States is one of the lucky
countries because it grows enough food for itself and still has enough to export
to other parts of the world. One reason for this is that the United States is a
large country with a variety of climates. Most of the central part of the
country is especially suitable for raising grain. Wheat and corn are the most
important crops in the region. The United States exports millions of tons of
grain every year. Wheat is used to make bread, a basic food throughout the
world. Most of the corn is used to feed animals, which in turn become food
The southeastern part of the United States has a warm, damp climate. It grows cotton, rice and sugar. Florida specializes in fruits and vegetables. It is famous for its orange, lemons and grape. Florida has warm weather all year round, so it can provide vegetables for t [判断题]当管道可能产生垂直热位移时,支吊架一般选用弹簧支吊架。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题] 起重机在吊运过程中严禁()和()同时动作
[单项选择]Questions 11 to 18 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
A. He will fly to France. B. He will meet his parents at the airport. C. He will prepare the decoration. D. He will go to a party. [判断题]吊硬合金铸锭时,不准许作业人员距离铸锭太近,避免铸锭开裂伤人。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]心包经的原穴是()
A. 神门 B. 间使 C. 大陵 D. 内关 E. 太渊 [简答题]81. In the past even as our power grew, much of the world saw us, rightly or wrongly, as a moral beacon, as a country somehow largely outside the bloody, gory, off-tyrannical history that carved its swath across so much of the world during the American Century. Indeed, in many ways, even as cultural elites in once-glorious Old World nations sneered at upstart, crass, consumerist America, the masses in those nations idealized America as some sort of Promised Land. In many ways, the American Dream of the last 100-some years has been more something dreamed by foreigners from afar, especially those who experienced fascism or Stalinism, than lived as a universal reality on the ground in the United States.
82. Things look simpler from a distance than they do on the ground. Today, I fear, foreigners slumber (酣睡) with dreamy American smiles on their sleeping faces no more; that intangible faith in the pastel-colored hue and soft contours of the Dream risks being shattered, repla [简答题]因工死亡职工供养亲属范围是什么?
[单项选择]There are more people who are {{U}}obese{{/U}} today than 20 years ago.
A. gainfully employed B. upwardly mobile C. excessively overweight D. privately educated [单选题]沙丁胺醇治疗哮喘的作用机制是:( )
A.阻断M胆碱受体 B.抑制磷酸二酯酶 C.激动支气管平滑肌的β受体 D.抑制肥大细胞释放过敏物质 E.对抗组胺等过敏介质的作用 [单选题]机械传动轨道车,离合器踏板自由行程为( )mm。
A.20~30 B.30~40 C.40~60 D.60~65 [单选题]登杆塔前,应做好以下工作:核对()。
A.杆号 B.线路名称和杆号 C.杆基 D.线路名称 [单项选择]爆炸、爆破时所产生的噪声,伴有强烈的()。
A. 冲击波 B. 振动性 C. 高频性 D. 低频性 [判断题]若使用 C 接口镜头,请您先将镜头与 C/CS 转接环连接,将 C 接口镜 头转换为 CS 接口镜头再安装到摄像机上。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]在Windows中,要使用“附件”中的“计算器”将十进制数转换成二进制数,应选择“查看”下的______
A.科学型 B.程序员 C.统计型 D.高级型 [单项选择]属于沉积岩的是( )。
A. (A) 石英岩 B. (B) 橄榄岩 C. (C) 大理岩 D. (D) 白云岩 [简答题]采集系统运行监控是对系统整体运行情况进行监督管控,主要任务包括:采集系统主站运行性能监控、采集系统运行指标监控、(_)、采集系统故障监控、(_)、各项业务应用情况监控等。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]不同格式的图像文件其数据编码方式有所不同,通常对应于不同的应用。在下列图像文件格式中,制作网页时用得最多的是( )。