Based on the following information to answer questions: BWT, Inc. shows the following data in its financial statements at the end of the year. Assume all securities were outstanding at the beginning of the year: 6.125% convertible bonds, convertible into 33 shares of common stock. Issue price $1000100 bonds outstanding. 6.25% convertible preferred stock, $100 par, 2315 shares outstanding. Convertible into 3.3 shares of common stock, Issue price $100. 8% convertible preferred stock, $100 par, 2572 shares outstanding. Convertible into 5 common shares, Issue price $ 80. 9986 warrants are outstanding with an exercise price of $ 38. Each warrant is convertible into 1 share of common. Average market price of common is $ 52.00 per share. Common shares outstanding at the beginning of the year were 40045. A. $ 35045. B. $ 20576. C. $ 14469. [单项选择]中暑先兆的处理原则()
A. 脱离高温环境至通风阴凉处休息 B. 早期输液 C. 吸氧 D. 必须口服补液 E. 物理降温 [单项选择]两个侧鼻突形成()
A. 上唇两侧部分 B. 下唇 C. 两侧鼻翼 D. 上唇人中部分 E. 鼻梁和鼻尖 [单选题]社区银行、管辖支行、分行均可在营业终了前通过“( )社区银行柜员平账、签退检查”交易检查社区银行平账签退情况。
A.9310 B.9311 C.9312 D.9314 [单项选择]患者男,70岁,因“进行性排尿困难2年,发现PSA升高1周”来诊。查体:前列腺增生Ⅱ度,质地较硬,表面不光滑。血清t-PSA18μg/L。首选的治疗方法是()。
A. 观察等待治疗 B. 常规放射治疗 C. 全身化学治疗 D. 放射治疗+化学治疗 E. 内分泌治疗 F. 根治性前列腺切除术 [单项选择]以下程序运行后的输出结果是______。 int d=1; fun(int p) { static int d=5;d+=p printf("%d,d");retum d; } main( ) {int a=3;printf("%d/n",fun(a+fun(d) ));}
A. 699 B. 9 C. 61515 D. 6615 [判断题]通常断层水所造成的水害事故危害较小,但当同地表水、强含水层水力联系较好时,往往会造成淹没井事故
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