The idea of rainmaking is almost as old
as man, but it was not until 1946 that man succeeded in making rain. In ancient
times, rainmakers had claimed a bring rain by many methods: dancing, singing,
killing various kinds of living creatures, and blowing a stream of water into
the air from a kind of pipe. More recently, some rainmakers claimed to make rain by shooting guns, causing explosions, or burning chemicals, the smoke of which was supposed to cause rain to fall. These rainmakers asked for as much as 1,000 dollars to make an inch of rain. One of them was so successful that he was almost hanged. He was believed to have caused a 20-inch rain in southern California that flooded the land, killed several people, and did millions of dollars of damage. Before 1946, rainmakers were either liars or honest people who happened to have good luc A. a liar B. an honest man C. a scientist D. a chemist [判断题]发生人员触电,首先要使触电者迅速脱离电源。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]哮病诊断
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]有毒、易燃、易爆物品,保管、储藏、搬运装卸及储藏有哪些规定?
A. 综合业务数字网 B. 专线入网 C. 非对称数字用户环路技术 D. 宽带网络 [单项选择]更年期妇女卵巢主要分泌( )
A. 雌激素 B. 孕激素 C. 雄激素 D. 催乳素 E. 肾上腺皮质激素 [填空题]LKJ2000监控装置在速度为零时,按压()键进入或退出调车工作。
A. 进路表示器 B. 发车表示器 C. 调车表示器 D. 引导信号 [多项选择]在保存Excel的文件时,需要选择或输入()。
A. 磁盘与目录 B. 文件名 C. 文件类型 D. 文件属性 [单项选择]在装配开关柜完毕后,应进行( ),使装配达到国家规定的标准及有关验收规范。
A. 调试、尺寸测量、机械结构调整、包装 B. 验收、参数测量、电器结构调整、清洗 C. 调试、参数测量、机械结构调整、清洗 D. 检查、参数测量、机械结构调整、包装 [多选题]商品货币主要有( )形态。
A.代用货币 B.实物货币 C.金属货币 D.电子货币 E.信用货币 [单选题]一残疾旅客在乘车区间内凭有效客票,可托运残疾人车()。
A.1次 B.2次 C.3次 D.不限次数 [单项选择]某正方形桥墩基底边长2m,基础埋深1.5m,埋深范围内土的重度γ=18kN/m3,持力层为亚砂土,土的重度为γ=20kN/m3,距基底2m处为淤泥质土层,基础承受相应于作用短期效应组合的轴心荷载700kN,淤泥质土层修正后的容许承载力为140kPa,则该淤泥质土层顶面的应力为()kPa。
A. 182.86 B. 190.27 C. 131.38 D. 127.12 [判断题]应激反应中,大量糖皮质激素分泌,可引起肾上腺皮质功能亢进。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交