Rubidium, potassium and carbon are
three common elements used to date the history of Earth. The rates of
radioactive decay of these elements are absolutely regular when averaged out
over a period of time; nothing is known to change them. To be useful as clocks,
the elements have to be fairly common in natural minerals, unstable but decay
slowly over millions of years to form recognizable "daughter" products which are
preserved minerals. For example, an atom of radioactive rubidium decays to form an atom of strontium (another element) by converting a neutron in its nucleus to a proton and releasing an electron, generating energy in the process. The radiogenic daughter products of the decay-in this case strontium atoms--diffuse away and are lost above a certain very high temperature. So by measuring the exact proportions of rubidium and strontium atoms t A. radioactive B. organic C. terrestrial D. universal [判断题]ZYJ7提速道岔主副机的转辙机动作时间是相同的。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]甲、乙、丙三人组成一合伙企业从事经营活动。在合伙协议中,约定平均享有利润,平均承担债务。由于经营不善,对外欠下30万元债务,甲向债权人支付了10万元欠款,为了避免承担更大的责任,决定退伙,乙、丙二人同意。1年后,乙、丙二人无力向债权人还债,债权人要求甲还债,甲称自己已经按合伙协议履行了自己的义务,没有义务继续还债,且已退伙,其债务只能向乙、丙追偿。
[多选题]()、()危险化学品火灾,禁止用直流射流冲击( )
A.粉末状 B.易爆炸 C.易燃烧 D.易沸溅 [单项选择]Class类的对象由()自动生成,隐藏在.class文件中,它在运行时为用户提供信息。
A. Java编译器 B. Java解释器 C. Javanew关键字 D. Java类分解器 [判断题]客户停送电联系人由供电方考试合格的人员担任。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]悬吊式锅炉应有防止锅炉晃动的装置此装置不得妨碍锅炉的自由膨胀。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]In order to change attitudes ______ employing women, the government is bringing in new laws.
A. about B. of C. towards D. on [单项选择]土家族既嗜酸香,又有“()当盐”之说。
A. 辣椒 B. 花椒 C. 酸醋 D. 酸菜 [单项选择]我国国家基本地形图分幅编号是在哪个比例尺的基础上进行的?()
A. 1:10万 B. 1:25万 C. 1:50万 D. 1:100万 [判断题]依据《中国南方电网公司电气操作导则》,可以直接使用典型操作票作为现场实际操作票。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 开工前应对被拆除建筑物进行详细勘察,并编制专项安全施工方案,按规定( )后方可施工。 (1.0分)
A. 审查 B. 审批 C. 审核 D. 审定 [单选题]实施奖惩应当( )。
A.奖惩并举,综合治 B.以奖励为主,惩戒为辅 C.以惩戒为主,奖励为 D.重奖轻罚,治病救人 [单项选择]钢感应表面淬火后须进行()处理。
A. 高温回火 B. 中温回火 C. 低温回火 D. 时效 [单项选择]职能组织结构模式的缺点之一是()。
A. 工作部门获得的指令信息可能因缺少协调而存在冲突 B. 职能部门的指令均需经最高领导的协调,降低了执行的及时性 C. 工作部门与职能部门之间无法建立确定的上下层级关系 D. 组织内信息传递的路径过长 [单项选择]患者胁肋灼热疼痛,口苦口干,面红目赤,大使秘结,小溲短赤,心烦失眠易怒,舌红苔黄厚而干,脉弦数,其治疗首选:
A. 腹大胀满,按之如囊裹水 B. 腹大胀满,脉络怒张 C. 腹大胀满不舒,早宽暮急 D. 腹大胀满,舌红绛少津 E. 腹大胀满,脘腹撑急 [判断题]压力容器的破裂型式分为韧性破裂、脆性破裂、疲劳破裂、腐蚀破裂、蠕变破裂。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 旅客列车、挂有超限货物车辆的列车,应接入()。
A.正线 B.到发线 C.货物线 D.规定线路 [单选题]四冲程内燃机的一个工作循环有四个冲程,这四个冲程的工作顺序为( )。
A.进气 - 压缩 - 膨胀 - 排气 B.压缩 - 膨胀 - 排气 - 进气 C.进气 - 膨胀 - 压缩 - 排气 [填空题]专用无线系统,Um接口又称{|*|},用于手持台与Tetra系统固定部分之间的互通。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]调车作业时,推进车辆连挂时,要显示( )车的距离信号。
A.十 B.五 C.三 D.以上都不对 [多项选择]涉外服务礼仪中,下列做法正确的包括()。
A. 热情有度 B. 守时守约 C. 女士优先 D. 尊重隐私 [判断题]轴类零件的直径用 Sφ表示。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]病人男,45岁,患溃疡病史10年,昨天起上腹痛加剧,并先后5次排出柏油样糊状便,每次约100~200ml,今晨又2次排出柏油样糊状便约500ml,随后出现面色苍白、皮肤湿冷,呼之不应而急诊入院。体查:病人意识模糊,口唇紫绀,P125次/分,R25次/分,Bp80/55mmHg。
对该病人首先应采取的护理措施是______ A. 吸氧 B. 心理安慰 C. 建立静脉通道 D.注意保暖 D. 肛周皮肤护理 [多选题]多层地上商店营业厅、展览建筑的展览厅符合( )条件时,每个防火分区的最大允许建筑面积可增加到10000m2。
A. 设置在一、二级耐火等级的多层建筑的首层 B. 按规范设置有自动喷水灭火系统和自动报警系统 C. 按规范设置有排烟设施 D. 内部装修设计符合现行相关国家标准的有关规定 E. 设置在一级耐火等级单层建筑内 [单项选择]An epidemic of swine flu (猪流感) has recently developed in Mexico and the United States, says the CDC. Swine flu has killed many people, and the outbreak has features that suggest it could become a global pandemic (瘟疫). A pandemic is an epidemic that spreads around the whole world. Pandemics also often cause more severe disease than epidemics.
Flu is a disease caused by the influenza virus. Humans, pigs, birds and other animals all can be infected by influenza viruses. Typically, influenza viruses can infect only one species, so the influenza viruses of humans are different from those of pigs and birds. However, sometimes a virus can infect more than one species. For examples, pigs sometimes can be infected not only with pig influenza viruses, but also with human and bird influenza viruses. Then these viruses can come up to one another secretly and swap (交换) genes, creating new viruses that have a mix of genes -- from human, pig, and bird viruses. That is what has happened with th A. It is not quite sure if it can spread among persons. B. It is not quite sure how it is transmitted. C. Surely it is transmitted by sneezing or coughing. D. Surely it is transmitted by skin contact. [多选题]63、焦炭的灰分成分是()
A. SiO2 B. AL2O3 C. D. [简答题]为什么化学结构类似的药物作用于同一受体,呈现出激动药、拮抗药或部分激动药等不同性质的表现?
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