For years Internet merchants have poured millions of dollars into new technologies to make their sites easier to use. So why aren’t online customers happier
Customer satisfaction levels have remained almost flat through the last several years. The problem, according to Larry Freed, chief executive of a consulting and research firm called ForeSee Results, is not so much that consumers have ignored the many improvements made in recent years. Rather, he said, they still expect more from Internet shopping than it has delivered.
"If we walk into a local store, we don’t expect that experience to be better than it was a couple years ago," Mr. Freed said. "But we expect sites to be better. The bar goes up every year. " In ForeSee’s latest survey, released last month, just five e-commerce sites registered scores higher than 80 out of 100, and no site scored higher than 85. It was much the same story a year ago, when just five sc
A. there isn’t a huge increase in customer satisfaction
B. some companies have to watch their scores drop steadily
C. E-commerce companies will soon fall out of business
D. shopping experience in local stores can’t be better
Using HIV Virus to Cure Cancer{{/B}} Scientists are planning to use human immunodeficiency (免疫缺陷) virus (HIV), one of mankind’s most feared viruses, as a carrier of genes which can fight cancer and a range of diseases that cannot be cured. The experts say HIV has an almost perfect ability to avoid the body’s immune (免疫的) defenses, making it ideal for carrying replacement genes into patients’ bodies, according to the Observer. A team at the California-based Salk Institute, one of the world’s leading research centers on biological sciences, has created a special new breed of HIV and has started negotiations with the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to begin clinical gene therapy (治疗) trials this year. The [多选题] 客户的反馈模式有哪几种()
A. 如虎添翼 B. 言听计从 C. 亡羊补牢 D. 班门弄斧 E. 我行我素 [单项选择]男性,68岁,反复咳喘20余年,加重4天,嗜睡1天来院。查体:嗜睡,球结膜水肿,皮肤湿暖红润,口唇发绀,BP170/90mmHg(22.7/12kPa),R30次/分,脉搏118次/分,双肺可闻干湿性啰音,双侧腱反射减弱,双下肢可凹性水肿。其神志障碍的最可能原因为()
A. 脑血管意外 B. 严重低钠血症 C. 中枢神经系统感染 D. CO2潴留引起的肺性脑病 E. 感染中毒性脑病 [判断题]陈独秀是新文化运动的旗手。
[判断题]使用无齿锯进行切割时,可以不按直线移动。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]宽带融合套餐要求融合户主为统一支付()。
A.家长 B.成员 C.家长或成员 [单选题]通过火警测试按钮可测试哪些 系统?
A.火警测试系统和 灭火系统 B.仅灭火系统 C.仅火警测试系统 [判断题]企业开发阶段的支出全部资本化,计人研发支出-资本化支出。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]集装箱船上,用于连接上下两层集装箱或集装箱与船体的系固设备是()。
A. 扭锁 B. 桥锁 C. 锥板 D. 绑扎杆 [填空题]在中等含盐量的天然水中,SO42-含量较多;在低含盐量或高含盐量水中偏少。这是因为()。
A.应迅速而又有条不紊地抢救 B.医生到后,方可采取止血措施 C.宫缩乏力引起的出血立即按摩子宫 D.压出宫腔积血可促进宫缩 E.注射子宫收缩剂 [判断题]22.(90895)方案调整是指根据油田(层系、区块)开采现状、开采工艺技术的发展和企业对原油产量的需求,对下一阶段的配产配注方案进行必要的综合调整。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]以下()不是为保证气体检测报警仪的稳定性和数据测量的准确性而采取的手段。
A.A.使用前在“洁净”环境下调零 B.B.科学设定报警值 C.C.定期更换传感器 D.D.定期用标准气体进行校准 E.略 F.略 [单选题]脉短如豆,滑数有力的是( )
A.短脉 B.动脉 C.疾脉 D.实脉 E.促脉 [单项选择]根据《招标投标法》的规定,自招标文件开始发出之日至投标人提交投标文件截止之日的期限不得短于( )日。
A. 60 B. 30 C. 20 D. 10 [单选题]一位住在妇产科病房的病人,手术后腹胀,哭闹着要找科主任来给她看一看。该主任来后,经仔细查看,发现患者只是心理上有些问题,于是说了一些安慰她的话,病人便安静下来了。还有说有笑。有同事见了不以为然地说,这也值得主任来管?主任笑道:“难道当主任的就非得看什么大病吗?”“有些劳动是平凡的,好像毋须一顾,但是,它的精神是神圣的,一个人没有这种神圣的感觉,他就不会每件事都那么仔细、耐心地去作。”这充分体现了
A.传统医学观、不伤害原则、同情美德 B.现代医学观、不伤害原则、同情美德 C.现代医学观、公正原则、正直美德 D.传统医学观、公正原则、正直美德 E.以上都不是 [单项选择]男性,60岁,因咳嗽,活动后气短就诊。发现胸腔积液,且化验为渗出液。经抗结核治疗2个月,胸腔积液仍增多,为明确诊断,应进一步采取的措施是
A. 加强抗结核治疗 B. 胸腔积液的酶学检查 C. 胸腔积液的结核杆菌培养 D. 胸部超声检查 E. 胸腔积液的病理细胞检查和胸膜活检 我来回答: 提交