Market Shopping Can Be Satisfying{{/B}} Whether in London, Paris or at a rural antique fair, an addictive adrenaline surge is triggered when I discover an architectural fragment I know can be converted into a headboard, or when I come across an old sea chest that, with some paint and polish, can be made to work as a coffee table. In truth it took quite a while, but I finally learned to practice self-discipline when browsing at flea markets. It’s that time again, sunny days are upon us, and flea market and antiques sales wait. Old pieces with great potential abound--all you have to do is to spot them. But wai A. you should walk away when you see something you like but expensive B. sometimes appropriate detached attitudes can ensure you a bargain C. don’t act too shy to leave D. you’d better walk away when you have a second chance [单选题]用注射器进行全密封取样、运输中,防止油样中( )出现。
A.灰尘 B.杂质 C.气泡 D.泥土 [填空题]厂区机动车限制速度为( )
A.二度Ⅰ型房室传导阻滞 B.二度Ⅱ型房室传导阻滞 C.二度Ⅰ型窦房阻滞 D.三度房室传导阻滞 E.P-P规则,P-R固定,QRS波间歇性或周期性脱落 [单选题]主要资本主义国家相继由自由竞争阶段发展到垄断阶段的时期是
A.19世纪末20世纪初 B.第二次世界大战后 C.19世纪中期 D.18世纪末期 [多选题]下列观点正确的有( )
A. 人民警察必须把为人民谋利益作为自己全部工作的出发点和归宿 B.保卫国家安全维护社会治安秩序保持社会稳定是人民的根本利益所在 C.公安机关要调整各种社会关系其中最基本的关系是公安机关与人民群众的关 系 D.依靠群众解决警力不足是客观要求具有长期性的战略意义 [判断题] 钢索配线间距不大于12m,护套线配线允许直接敷设于钢索上。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]风湿性心脏病病人最常并发下列哪种心律失常()
A. 心房颤动 B. 房性期前收缩 C. 室性期前收缩 D. 阵发性心动过速 E. 房室传导阻滞 [单选题]下列各项中,关于会计期末结转本年利润的表结法的表述正确的是( )。
A.表结法下不需要设置“本年利润”科目 B.年末不需要将各项损益类科目余额结转入“本年利润”科目 C.各月末需要将各项损益类科目发生额填入利润表来反映本期的利润(或亏损) D.每月末需要编制转账凭证将当期各损益类科目余额结转入“本年利润”科目 [单选题]在更换CRH1变流器箱热交换器过滤器时,断开电源后,必须等待至少( )后再接触变流器箱。
A.5min B.8min C.10min D.12min 我来回答: 提交