Paris: Thanks to a French insurance
company, brides and bridegrooms with cold feet no longer face financial disaster
from a canceled wedding. For a small premium, they can take out a policy
protecting them from love gone away or anything else that threatens to rain on
their big day. Despite France’s economic woes, the amount of money spent on weddings is rising 5-10 per cent a year. And people in the Paris region now dish out an average of 60,000 francs on tying the knot. But life is unpredictable and non-refundable, so French insurers have stepped in to ease the risk, finding their own little niche in the business of love. They join colleagues in Britain, where insurers say wedding cancellation policies have been around for about a decade. About 5 per cent of insured weddings there never make it A. failed to go to the church B. didn’t change the place for wedding C. didn’t get married at all D. didn’t hold the wedding ceremony in a church [单选题]三角坑允许偏差管理值即为在延长( )的距离内不允许超过的三角坑偏差值。
A.13m B.16m C.18m D.20m [单选题]以下关于IDG的操作描述错误的是?
A.按压IDG按钮超过3秒,可能会损坏IDG脱开装置 B.琥珀色IDG FAULT灯亮,表明IDG处于脱开状态 C.只有当发动机运转或风转时,才能脱开IDG D.IDG被脱开后,在空中无法被重置 [多选题]根据金龙自主系统以下哪些是四级故障 ( )
A.高压急停 B.气压故障 C.绝缘故障 D.高压继电器故障 [单项选择]婴儿腹泻时,常见的电解质紊乱是()
A. 代谢性碱中毒 B. 代谢性酸中毒 C. 呼吸性酸中毒 D. 呼吸性碱中毒 E. 混合性酸中毒 [判断题]( )送往修理工厂的货车色票简称"车统17"。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]患者女,35岁,腹泻1周,为水样泻,3~7次/d,无脓血便,伴腹痛、发热,最高体温37.7℃,患者红斑狼疮病史2年,近半年服用泼尼松龙30mg/d。查体:腹软,脐周压痛,肝、脾肋下未及。结合患者的临床特点,应重点考虑的疾病包括()。(提示:粪常规:白细胞:2个/高倍视野,红细胞未找到,未见脂肪滴。)
A. 霉菌性肠炎 B. 肠结核 C. 慢性胰腺炎 D. 结肠癌 E. 肠寄生虫感染 [判断题]凡盛有或盛过易燃易爆等化学危险物品的容器、设备、管道等生产、储存装置,在动火作业前应将其与生产系统彻底隔离,并进行清洗置换,检测可燃气体、易燃液体的可燃蒸汽含量合格后,方可动火作业。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]为什么目前智能仪器主机电路大多数采用单片机?选择单片机时应主要考虑哪些因素?
[单选题]带电更换500kV线路直线塔整串绝缘子采用受力工具有( )。
A.葫芦与钢丝绳 B.绝缘拉杆与导线钩 C.闭试卡具 我来回答: 提交