With the rise of the great metropolis
(大都市) in the industrial era, city planning in the West passed out of the hands
of the architect and into the hands of the technical expert. Unlike the
architect who thought of the city as a work of art to be built up with an eye
toward beauty, the technical expert has always taken a purely functional
approach to city planning; the city exists for the sole purpose of serving the
needs of its inhabitants. Its outward appearance has no intrinsic (本质的)
value. Over the span of a few centuries, this new breed of urban planner has succeeded in forever changing the face of the western city. A brief visit to any large metropolis is enough to confirm this fact. Even a casual observe could not fail to notice that the typical urban landscape is arranged along the lines of the tedious chessboard A. criticizing certain aspects of the city B. romanticizing city life in a bygone era C. pointing out how city life could be improved D. blaming urban problems on city residents [判断题]当电压表的内阻越小,测量时对被测电路的影响越小。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]( )土壤的特性主要有以下几点:( ) ( )
A.土壤的容重 B.地耐力 C.土壤的介质系数 D.土壤内摩擦力 [判断题]从1999年开始,我国试行国家课程、地方课程和学校课程三级管理、开发体制。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]膀胱内尿液不能控制而随时流出
A. 尿频 B. 排尿困难 C. 尿潴留 D. 尿失禁 E. 尿瘘 [判断题]用常压水蒸汽冷凝来加热空气,空气平均温度为20℃,则壁温约为60℃。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]2.238.
一般测量用电流互感器的二次下限负荷应为其额定负荷的1/4。 A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]单击Word的菜单栏中的某个菜单项,可以弹出对应的( )。
A.对话框 B.命令工具按钮 C.命令菜单 D.帮助信息 [多项选择]在下列哪些部位进行高处作业必须设置防护栏杆?()
A. 基坑周边 B. 雨篷边 C. 挑檐边 D. 无外脚手架的屋面与楼层周边 E. 料台与挑平台周边 [判断题] 当出现涉警舆情的案件后,现场处置要有礼有节,有章有法地疏导和防控记者采访
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交