Ira Carlin, worldwide media director of
the worlds {{U}} (21) {{/U}} advertising agency, McCann Erickson is quite
candid about using fear to sell his message about the communications
revolution. One prediction shows that 55 percent of advertising by volume will be carried on the Internet {{U}} (22) {{/U}} 2005. Consumers will have control and choice of communication; they will also have control over {{U}} (23) {{/U}} advertisements they watch, and how. "But that will only {{U}} (24) {{/U}} to the information enabled", says Carlin. "There’ll be an upstairs-downstairs schism... The widening {{U}} (25) {{/U}} between the information enabled and information disenabled is going to be a greater social problem {{U}} (26) A. as B. to C. that D. than [单项选择]The fun of playing the game was a greater incentive than the prize.
A. motive B. initiative C. excitement D. entertainment [单选题]一般来说,动车组列车二等车厢载员约 ()余人。
A.60 B.70 C.80 D.90 [单选题]甲香港投资公司、乙科研单位、丙销售公司共同出资成立了丁新材料公司,丁公司董事长由常驻香港的甲公司赵某担任,总经理由乙科研单位钱某担任,全面负责生产经营活动;财务总监由丙营销公司孙某担任,负责公司财务工作;总经理助理兼安全总监由乙科研单位李某担任,负责丁公司安全管理工作。依据《安全生产法》,负责保证丁公司安全生产投入的责任主体是( )。
A.甲、乙公司应当签订合作经营协议,各指定一名人员负责各自的安全管理 B.所在地安全监管部门应当派人,负责甲、乙公司交叉作业的安全管理 C.甲、乙公司应当签订安全管理协议,指定专职安全生产管理人员进行安全检查与协调 [单选题]铁路货车转向架摇枕、侧架的探伤方式是( )。
A.渗透探伤 B.磁粉探伤 C.湿法磁粉探伤 D.超声波探伤检查 [单选题]现场高压试验区域应设置遮栏或围栏,向外悬挂()的安全标志牌,并设专人看护,被试设备两端不在同一地点时,另一端应同时派人看守。
A.止步,高压危险! B.禁止跨越 C.禁止入内 D.在此工作 E.略 F.略 [单项选择]旧系统个人支票户统一按()迁入新系统,在账户层面的“是否允许签发支票”标志设置为“允许”。
A. 普通活期账户 B. 普通定期账户 C. 普通信用卡账户 D. 高级信用卡(VIP)账户 [简答题]Of course, making sure it’s as easy as possible for the media to get their material back to base is usually in the interest of the White House. It not only provides a transcript of every presidential utterance and background information on every place he’s visiting, it also invests a great deal of time and effort in what’s known in the trade as "spinning". A steady stream of administration officials and foreign policy experts circulates in the pressroom, seeking to cast the President’s word in the best possible light. The spinners gravitate most readily towards the television networks and the most important American newspapers. It’s not uncommon to see a correspondent composing a dispatch on a personal computer with a White House official at his or her side, should any extra advice or information be required.
Despite, or at times because of, such close attention, relations between the White House and its traveling press corps are seldom on an even keel for long. Ruffled feathers [单选题]()不是以灭火为主要目的的系统。
A.湿式系统 B.干式系统 C.雨淋系统 D.水幕系统 [多选题]在轨条就位或轨条拉伸到位后,应立即进行标记。标记应()()()。
A.明显 B.耐久 C.可靠 D.鲜艳 [判断题]屋顶上单支避雷针的保护范围可按45°保护角确定。
A.正确 B.错误 [名词解释]YMDD变异
[单项选择]( )是20世纪60年代后国际货币基金组织创建的一种新的国际储备资产,是一种记账单位。
A. 单方面转移 B. 错误与遗漏 C. 分配特别提款权 D. 官方储备 [简答题]《防雷减灾管理办法》所称防雷装置的定义
男孩,3个月,患儿生后有窒息,出现双侧马蹄内翻足畸形,腰骶摄片L5-S1有隐裂,足趾运动欠佳,跟腱反射左(+)、右(+),Babinski左(-)、右(-)。 诊断首先考虑为()。A. 脑瘫 B. 先天性马蹄内翻足 C. 麻痹性马蹄内翻足 D. 脊髓栓系症 E. 脑瘫合并马蹄内翻足 [判断题]特种作业人员必须年满20周岁,且不超过国家法定退休年龄。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]下列除了哪一项都属于青色掌的手掌诊病现象:( )。
A..大鱼际发青,腹痛腹泻 B..掌青提示胸闷、气短 C..掌青提示体内痛症 D..大鱼际靠近腕横纹发青,关节痛 [多选题]云视讯相比传统入驻式视频会议系统的优势有( )
A.一次性话费低 B.无需专业IT运维成员 C.灵活扩容 D.需投资MCU 我来回答: 提交