Yasuhisa Shizoki, a 51-year-old MP from Japan’s ruling Liberal Democratic Party (LDP), starts tapping his finger on the dismal economic chart on his coffee table. "Unless we change the decision-making process," he says bluntly, "we are not going to be able to solve this kind of problem." With the economy in such a mess, it may seem a bit of a diversion to be trying to sort out Japan’s political structures as well as its economic problems. But Mr Shiozaki can hardly be accused of time-wasting. He has consistently prodded the government to take a firm hand to ailing banks, and has given warning against complacency after a recent rise in share prices. Far from being a distraction, his latest cause highlights how far Japan is from genuine economic reform.
Since cowriting a report on political reform, which was released by an LDP panel last week, Mr Shiozaki has further upset the party’s old guard. Its legionaries, flanked by columns of th
A. real economic structures.
B. formal religious rituals.
C. decision-making process.
D. legislation accountability.
Climate scientists need to swallow
their mistrusts and share their data and working methods with their critics. So
concludes an inquiry by British members of parliament into the "climategate"
affair, in which damaging emails were copied from a computer server at the
University of East Anglia in Norwich, UK, and published on the Internet. But,
unexpectedly, the House of Commons Science and Technology Committee has placed
more blame on the university than on the scientists at its Climatic Research
Unit (CRU), whose emails were stolen, and the unit’s director Phil
Jones. This verdict puts the official university inquiry launched last December in a strange position. Vice-chancellor Edward Acton asked the inquiry to report on possible misdeeds at CRU. Now MPs suggest that the university itself may be at least as much to blame. The M A. The findings will have influence beyond the Norwich campus. B. The public should have access to data. C. The UK public have invested much money in scientific study. D. Government should take responsibility in climate studies. [简答题] The University as Business
A number of colleges and universities have announced steep
tuition increases for next year—much steeper than the current, very
low, rate of inflation. They say the increases are needed because of
a loss in value of university endowments heavily investing in common S1.______
stock. I am skeptical. A business firm chooses the price that
maximizes its net revenues, irrespective fluctuations in income; S2.______
and increasingly the outlook of universities in the United States is
indistinguishable from those of business firms. The rise in tuitions S3.______
may reflect the fact economic uncertainty increases the demand for S4.______
education. The biggest cost of being in the school is foregoing S5.______
income from a job (this is primarily a factor in graduate-and-profes-
sional-school tuition) ; the poor one’’s job prospects, the more sense S6.______
it makes to
A. 1个月 B. 2个月 C. 3个月 D. 6个月 [单选题]向前移步时,应当按照单数步要领进行(双数步变为单数步)。向前3步.5步时,按照 步走的要领进行。( )
A.齐步 B.跑步 C.正步 D.礼步 [多选题]安全生产巡查通报的问题( )的。属II类严重违章。
A.未举一反三 B.未组织排查 C.未组织整改 D. 整改不到位 [判断题]可以采用不动火的方法替代而同样能够达到效果时,尽量采用替代的方法处理。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]Solaris系统的计算机包含随机存储器、()、()、硬盘或大容量的存储设备。
[单选题] 《特种设备作业人员考核规则》 TSG Z6001-2019规定,特种设备作业人员考试成绩有效期1年。单项考试科目不合格者,( )。单选
A. 半年内可以向原考试机构申请补考1次 B. 半年内可以向原考试机构申请补考2次 C. 1年内可以向原考试机构申请补考1次 D. 1年内可以向原考试机构申请补考2次 [单项选择]关木通的表面特征是
A. 黄褐色,有纵向凹沟及棱线 B. 灰黄色或浅棕黄色,偶见残留的浅棕色栓皮 C. 浅黄色,有多数横向皮孔 D. 灰棕色,有横裂纹 E. 灰棕色,有纵向椭圆形 [单选题]需求计划是怎样利用仓储库存、未履约合同等资源,形成采购计划的。
A.协议执行 B.计划审查 C.平衡利库 D.需求报送 [单项选择]The electricity-generating packs are likely to be dangerous to us ______.
A. while lighting his way B. when playing video games, watching TV, and listening to music, all at the same time C. while crossing the street D. at the time when creating powers [单项选择]患儿,4岁。面色萎黄,困倦乏力,不思乳食,食则饱胀,呕吐酸馊,大便溏薄酸臭。其治法是()
A. 消乳消食,和中导滞 B. 健脾和胃,消食导滞 C. 和脾助运,降逆止呕 D. 补土抑木,消食导滞 E. 健脾助运,消补兼施 [单选题]配电设备检修,若无法保证安全距离或因工作特殊需要,可用与带电部分直接接触的()隔板代替临时遮栏。
A.绝缘 B.木质 C.塑料 D.泡沫 [单选题]红、____茶各级市场参样的选留侧重于芽叶嫩匀度。
A.白 B.黄 C.绿 D.青 [单选题]更换增压器后还要做的工作( )。
A.关闭冷却室门 B.打开曲轴箱盖 C.打开稳压箱排污阀 [单项选择]用下列语句定义数组的元素个数是( )。
Option Base 1 Dim Arr5(0 to 6,0 to 5)As Integer A. 42 B. 30 C. 37 D. 36 [单项选择]女性,50岁,因摸到腹部包块1周就诊。追问病史诉常有腹痛伴肠鸣活跃,排气后疼痛缓解。既往有肺结核病史。体检:脐周可扪及6cm×10cm包块,表面高低不平,压痛不明显。超声检查腹部包裹性积液为明确诊断,应首选的检查是()
A. 乙状结肠镜 B. 腹部B超 C. 胃镜 D. 钡灌肠 E. 全消化道钡剂检查 [单选题]坚持勤俭练兵,要充分发挥训练经费、物资、器材、设施和( )的保障效能。
A.食物 B.时间 C.地点 D.场地 [判断题]遇有危及人身和设备安全的紧急情况,可以不经过路局供电调度批准,先行断开断路器或有条件断开的负荷开关、隔离开关,并立即报告路局供电调度。设备恢复应有路局供电调度的命令。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]票据抗辩是指票据债务人根据《票据法》的规定对票据债权人拒绝履行义务的行为。()
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交