You have studied hard, and the day
has (21) come when you must write your exam. Try to arrive a
few minutes before the (22) starts. Avoid talking to other
students, especially those (23) are doing some last minute
cramming. These people will make you nervous and (24) your
concentration. If you can, choose a seat that allows you to (25) . Try to sit away, from the (26) to the room so you are not (27) by students leaving before you are finished. Listen (28) to any verbal instructions from the teacher or any (29) written on the board. Here are five (30) A. exit B. window C. gate D. seat [判断题]《哈尔滨铁路局奖惩工作管理办法》规定,周期性奖励是指建立相应的奖励制度,不固定周期组织开展的奖励活动。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]按照通道运维管理办法中规定,输电通道的定义是什么?
A. 心电图、B超 B. 血生化检查、心电图 C. 心电图、X线片 D. 血生化检查、脑电图 E. 血生化检查、B超 [单选题] qR允许的最小值是( ) 。
A. 6 B. 6. 5 C. 7 D. 7. 5 [判断题]柱上跌落式熔断器安装牢固、排列整齐,熔管轴线与地面的垂线夹角为15°~30°。熔断器水平相间距离不小于50cm。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]心理社会治疗模式认为,在收集服务对象资料的过程中,只有把服务对象目前的内心冲突与( )联系起来,才能准确揭示服务对象困扰产生的真实原因。
A. 身体状况 B. 以往的经历 C. 人生观 D. 价值观 E. 非理性理念 [多项选择]我国民法中,对被监护人造成损害的,监护人应承担( )责任。
A. 过错 B. 无过错 C. 公平 D. 过错推定 [多选题]商业银行按其组织结构可以分为( )。
A.单一制 B.持股公司制 C.分支银行制 D.复合制 E.连锁银行制 我来回答: 提交