With one eye turned towards keeping its
own economy on track and the other trained fearfully on the impact of the global
economic downturn, China has announced a four trillion yuan ($ 586 billion)
stimulus package, the largest in the country’s history. Unveiled by China’s State Council on the evening of Sunday November 9th, the two-year spending initiative will inject funds into ten sectors, including health care, education, low- income housing, environmental protection, schemes to promote technological innovation, and transport and other infrastructure projects. The government also says that some of the spending will be directed to reconstruction efforts in areas battered by natural disasters, such as Sichuan province which was devastated by a massive earthquake in May. "Over the past two months, the global financial crisis ha A. To secure their health-care in case of diseases. B. To prepare for their life after retirement. C. To use this as a way of investment due to high interest rate. D. Insufficient coverage of social welfare. [简答题]何谓层级整合?
[多项选择]企业改制的主要目标是通过股份制改革,使企业( )。
A. 自主经营、自负盈亏 B. 获得更多的资本 C. 成为法人实体参与市场竞争 D. 建立比较完善的现代企业制度 [多项选择]观察法的优点包括( )
A. 可以实时观察到社会现象或行为的发生 B. 可以追踪研究社会现象长时间内发展变化历程或趋势 C. 通过某些特殊设备和方式,在不干扰被调查者的情况下,获得最真实的资料 D. 能够得到不能直接或不便进行访问调查的对象的资料 E. 可以观察到人的隐私行为 [单选题]《河口采油厂HSE管理体系手册》规定,( )组织油气重点设施和反恐重点目标公共安全风险的销项评审。
A.生产管理部 B.综合管理部 C.党群工作部 D.公共事业 服务中心 [单项选择]以下各项中,贷款对象与其他三项不同的是( )。
A. 商用房贷款 B. 有担保流动资金贷款 C. 设备贷款 D. 无担保流动资金贷款 [简答题]城市轨道交通供电系统如何起作用?
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