Rumor is the most {{U}} (67)
{{/U}} way of spreading stories—by passing them on from mouth {{U}} (68)
{{/U}} mouth. But civilized countries in normal times have better
{{U}} (69) {{/U}} of news than rumor. They have radio, television, and
newspapers. In times of stress and {{U}} (70) {{/U}} , {{U}} (71)
{{/U}} , rumor {{U}} (72) {{/U}} and becomes widespread. At such
{{U}} (73) {{/U}} the different kinds of news are in {{U}} (74)
{{/U}} ,the press, television, and radio versus the grapevine. Especially {{U}} (75) {{/U}} rumors spread when war requires cen A. happened B. would happen C. happens D. happen [判断题]动火证规定的签字权限正常情况下必须由本人执行不得代签,如有违反一经发现此证无效,且相关代签人员将按《安全生产奖惩制度》进行相应处理。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]
患者,女,80岁。昏迷后,留置导尿,发热(T40℃),HR110次/分,BP70/56mmHg,WBC8×109/L,中性粒细胞O.80,中段尿培养示:大肠杆菌生长,拟诊为脓毒性休克。下列哪一项不是脓毒性休克发生过程中,人体释放的内源性介质() A. 氧自由基 B. 肿瘤坏死因子 C. 白三烯 D. 内啡肽 E. 革兰阴性菌内毒素 [判断题]岩屑描述中,关于层的组合分类,夹层是指两种以上不同岩性厚度比>10:1。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]现场起重破拆必须佩戴( )等防护装置。正确选择位置,使用快捷、高效的器材,合理实施起重破拆。
A.护目镜 B.面罩 C.手套 D.阻燃头套 [多选题]在共产主义社会里,由于社会生产力的巨大发展,“三大差别”必将归于消失。“三大”差别是指【 】。
A.工业与农业的差别 B.社会主义与共产主义的差别 C.城市与乡村的差别 D.脑力劳动与体力劳动的差别 E.无产阶级与资产阶级 [填空题]种子萌发所需的外界条件是()、()和()。
[单选题] 护理管理的特点不正确是()
A.独立性 B.培养和保持护士的良好素质 C.科学性和服务型 D.操作性 E.标准化 [单选题]护轨梭头尖端悬出轨枕的长度不得大于( )mm。
A.5 B.15 C.20 D.25 [单项选择] Nurses
The physicians in a hospital form the core of the medical staff. But they could not provide effective medical care to their patients without the help of numerous other medical workers. From the angle of the patients, the nursing staff is particularly important. Nurses are usually in close contact with patients as long as they are in the hospital.
A nurse does not study for as many years as a doctor. However, each must be equally trained. Caring for sick persons requires a great deal of patience and concern. Most nurses work long days, and they often must work at odd hours or during the night.
The nursing staff in a hospital is usually quite large and various. Nursing services, after all, must be provided on a 24-hour basis. There are professional (专业的) nurses, practical nurses, nurses aids, and orderlies (勤杂工). The general term nurse refers to a person trained to offer bedside care to sick persons.
Under the supervision (管理)
A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned [单项选择]据美国莱曼兄弟公司的一项研究显示,()成本最低。
A. 电话银行转账 B. 银行柜台人工操作 C. 银行间通过自动柜台机转帐 D. 互联网转帐 [填空题]
{{B}}TASK TWO - MISTAKE{{/B}} · For questions 18 - 22, match the extracts with the mistakes, listed A - H. · For each extract, choose the mistake the speaker describes making. · Write one letter (A - H) next to the number of the extract. A I didn’t get details of the deal in writing at the time. B My nervousness damaged the client’s trust in my company. C I missed an opportunity to close a deal at a certain stage, D My eagerness to close a deal meant that I forgot important information. E I failed to make the client feel important enough. F My approach didn’t emphasize the special features I had to offer. G I ignored a suggestion concerning entertainment. H My way of asking for comments was wrong. [多项选择]下列哪些行为不能构成伪证罪______
A. 在民事诉讼中,证人作伪证的 B. 在刑事诉讼中,辩护人伪证证据的 C. 在刑事诉讼中,证人故意作虚假证明意图陷害他人的 D. 在刑事诉讼中,诉讼代理人帮助当事人伪造证据的 我来回答: 提交