An 80-year-old man from Cincinnati in America is making legal history by suing doctors who saved his wife. Edward Winter has witnessed his wife’s death from a (21) attack. The doctors had tried to restart her heart with an electric (22) with remarkable success, but leaving her brain (23) Her death was a long and (24) experience which he did not want to go through himself. After she died he asked his doctor (25) to save him in (26) circumstances, but instead to let him die (27) .
While out visiting in May 1988, Mr Winter (28) the heart attack which he so treated, and was rushed to St Francis hospital in Cincinnati. The doctor who (29) him wrote down on his chart that he was not to be (30) but the duty nurse was not informed of Mr Winter’s (31) . The nurse took the usual (32) action and tried to revive him with an electric shock.His life was saved (33) the treatment was no
A. subsequence
B. influence
C. punishment
D. consequence
We first think of the traditional or
nuclear family. This is a two-generation family, the father and the mother and
their own children. Most couples wanted to have four children, two boys, two
girls. Some nuclear families, however, may add one or more grandparents to come m live with them, that is three generations. This kind of family with grandparents, parents, and grandchildren is called an extended family. This family type was not very common during the later half of the twentieth century, but it’s becoming more common now as an elderly grandparent moves in to A. A blended family is formed by two single-parent families. B. A blended family is formed by a nuclear family and a grandparent. C. A blended family is formed by a nuclear family and grandparents. D. A blended family is formed by two fatherless families. [单项选择]某景点一名导游人员见一群客人来临,十分殷勤地问对方是否需要导游讲解,见对方无意聘用自己,便称客人是阿富汗难民,该导游的行为严重违背了()职业道德规范。
A. 诚实善良、公平守信 B. 热情友好、宾客至上 C. 敬业爱岗、忠于职守 D. 团结服务、顾全大局 [单选题]设备操作人员按规操作,尽量减少()的次数,也是节能的方式之一。
A.起、制动 B.起升 C.下降 D. 运行 [多选题]一、二级动火工作票签发人应是经本单位考试合格,并经本单位批准且公布的有关部门( )。
A.负责人 B.技术负责人 C.有关班组班长 D.经本单位批准的其他人员 [单项选择]FIDIC《施工合同条件》中设立的合同争端裁决委员会,是由( )的人员组成。
A. 仲裁委员会指定 B. 政府管理机构指定 C. 业主与承包商协商选定 D. 行业协会指定 [判断题]农商银行向关系人发放担保贷款的条件不得优于其他借款人同类贷款的条件。( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交