Although the American civilization took
over and replaced the frontier over a century ago, the heritage of the frontier
is still evident in the United States today. Many people are still fascinated by
the frontier because it has been particularly important in shaping American
values. For many years, the frontier experience was romanticized in popular
movies and television shows that featured cowboy heroes fighting Indian
villains. Little attention was given to the tragic story of what really happened
to Native Americans. Today, most Americans are more aware of the darker side of
the settling of the continent, when thousands of Native American Indians were
killed, their lands were taken, and much of their culture was
destroyed. The American frontier consists of the relatively unsettled regions of the United States, usually found A. the frontier area is more civilized and developed than other parts of the country B. the frontier experience is greatly romanticized in today’s popular movies and TV shows C. the frontier period represents a time when the traditional basic Americans values were expressed in their purest form D. the lifestyle of the Native American Indians who live in the frontier area is still mysterious and appealing [判断题]站台每侧屏蔽门各门单元的编号为:从站台运行正方向头端墙开始往尾端墙方向依次编号,分别为第1单元~第30单元。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]直接路由、静态路由、RIP、OSPF 按照默认路由优先级从高到低的排 序正确的是?
A. RIP、OSPF B.直接路由、RIP、静态路由、OSPF C.直接路由、OSPF、静态路由、RIP D. 直接路由、OSPF、RIP 、静态路由 [单项选择]产妇临产前2-4小时内不宜应用的药物是()。
A. 哌替啶 B. 丙磺舒 C. 对乙酰氨基酚 D. 喷他佐辛 E. 布洛芬 [单项选择]从合同管理工作的发展看,企业法律顾问机构作为( ),更有利于合同管理工作的发展。
A. 企业合同管理小组的成员 B. 合同管理委员会的成员 C. 合同审查的辅助部门 D. 合同的归口管理部门 [单选题]剪刀撑斜杆与地面夹角应为( )。
A.45°~60° B.30°~45° C.25°~30° D.10°~-40° [多选题]影响血钙水平的激素有( )
A. 降钙素 B. 1,25(OH)2D3 C. 胰岛素 D. 11-去氧皮质酮 E. 甲状旁腺激素 [单项选择]What does the writer say about Japanese trains
A) They are very nice and comfortable. C) They often run behind schedule. B) There are not enough trains. D) They leave and arrive at the right time. A. What does the writer say about Japanese trains B. There are not enough trains. C. They are very nice and comfortable. C) They often run behind schedule. D. They leave and arrive at the right time. [单项选择]The Independence Day is ______.
A. July 14th B. July 24th C. July 5th D. July 4th [单项选择]社会主义市场经济在我国的确立经历了多个阶段,1992年初,我国处于( )。
A. 计划经济与市场调节相结合阶段 B. 社会主义市场经济正式确定阶段 C. “国家调节市场,市场引导企业”阶段 D. 有计划的商品经济阶段 [单选题]跨区间无缝线路、区间无缝线路应在长轨条起、终点及距起、终点( )m处分别设置一对位移观测桩。
A.50 B.100 C.200 D.500 E.550 F.600 [判断题]一般声级计刻度显示单位,为“勒克斯”。噪声在80“勒克斯”以上时,会让人感觉很吵。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]汽包就地水位计的隔绝操作步骤?
A. 菌斑矿化形成牙石,进一步刺激牙龈 B. 菌斑在牙根面和龈沟内粘附造成刺激,不易清洁 C. 产生各种酸,破坏牙周组织 D. 产生内毒素和多种酶破坏牙周组织 E. 以上均正确 [单项选择]百日咳鲍特菌分离培养时宜选用何种培养基()
A. 庆大培养基 B. 鲍-金培养基 C. 巧克力培养基 D. BCYE培养基 E. L-J培养基 [判断题]“低头向钱看,才能抬头向前(理想)看”。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]对处于系统末端、短路容量较小的供电区域,可通过()方式,增加系统的短路容量,提高配电网的电压稳定性。
A.主变分列运行 B.线路加串抗 C.增大主变容量 D.配电网开环运行 [单项选择]