It is not just Indian software and
"business-process outsourcing" firms that are benefiting from the rise of the
internet. Indian modern art is also on an upward spiral, driven by the
aspirations of newly rich Indians, especially those living abroad, who use the
internet to spot paintings and track prices at hundreds of gallery and auction
websites. Prices have risen around 20-fold since 2000. particularly for prized
names such as Tyeb Mehta and F.N. Souza. There would have been "no chance" of that happening so fast without the internet, says Arun Vadehra, who runs a gallery in Delhi and is an adviser to Christie’s, an international auction house. He expects worldwide sales of Indian art, worth $ 200million last year, to double in 2006. It is still a tiny fraction of the $ 30 billion global art market, but is sizeable for an emerging A. the profits brought about by a pretty picture B. why Indian modern art is booming C. the Success of Indian software and "business-process outsourcing" firms D. how wealthy Indians evaluate Indian modern art [单项选择]计算机的发展已经过了4代,其中()是第二代计算机
A. 电子管 B. 晶体管 C. 集成电路 D. 大规模集成电路 [判断题]接地线与作业设备之间不应连接开关或熔断器。对在分段母线上作业时,应将分段母线一同检电和接地封线。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]呼吸肺康复方案一般的康复措施不包括下列哪一项:( )。
A.A.对患者及其家庭进行教育; B.B.适当的营养; C.C.胸部叩击和体位引流; D.D.帮助戒烟,避免刺激性有害气体的吸入。 [简答题]根据《变电安规》,工作班成员的安全责任有哪些?
[单项选择]在决策支持系统中,除了数据库之外,( )是不可缺少的。
A. 规则库 B. 模型库 C. 办法库 D. 信息模块化 [单选题]一持通票旅客因家中有急事,需在中途站下车,下车后其卧铺票( )。
A.即行失效 B.可以退票 C.仍然有效 D.作废 [单选题]《国家电网公司电力安全工作规程(电网建设部分)(试行)》适用于公司系统()kV及以上新(扩、改)建及公司所属单位承揽的公司系统以外的电网工程。
A.10 B.35 C.110 D.220 [简答题]结合教学实际,论述幼儿园美术教学中作品临摹法的弊端。
[单选题]应急救援专职队平时就要( )并配有相应器材。
A.互相沟通 B.选拔人员 C.组建落实 [单项选择]毕Ⅱ式胃大部切除术后,呕吐物含食物及大量胆汁。最可能的并发症是()。
A. 吻合口梗阻 B. 输出袢梗阻 C. 输入袢慢性不完全性梗阻 D. 输入袢急性完全性梗阻 E. 碱性反流性胃炎 [单选题]断路器除要注重其灭弧及绝缘等电气性能外,在运行中还需注意断路器的机械性能。
A.正确 B.错误 C.lue D.lue E.lue F.lue G.lue H.lue [多项选择]下列属于影响采购与付款交易和余额的重大错报风险的有()。
A. 管理层通过与第三方串通,把私人费用计入企业费用支出,或有意无意重复付款 B. 在承受反映较高盈利水平和营运资本的压力下,被审计单位管理层可能试图低估准备和应付账款,包括低估对存货、应收账款计提的减值以及对已售商品提供的担保应计提的准备 C. 将本期采购收到的商品计入下一会计期间 D. 负责付款的会计人员有权接触应付账款主文档,并能通过在应付账款主文档中擅自添加新的账户来虚构采购交易 [判断题]列车上补卧铺手续费2元
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]一键顺控改造技术试验分为( )。
A.例行试验 B.型式试验 C.出厂试验 D.现场试验 [单项选择]下列不是涉及计算机程序的发明必须具备的条件是()
A. 一致性 B. 创造性 C. 新颖性 D. 实用性 [判断题]磁压堵漏系统可用于大直径储罐和管线的堵漏。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]下列关于手持式钢筋速断器维护保养的表述中,正确的是( )。
A.检查任何工具前,先查看液压油量是否足够。 B.整体清洁刃片,上润滑防灰尘,防锈。 C.器材使用完,应将电池卸下,保证器材与电池分开放置。 D.刃片检查,使用中发现刀刃有异常现象,可将刀刃调换方向继续使用。 E.内部O型圈应一年检查一次。 [单项选择]As concerns over man’s impact on the global environment increase, many interesting innovations are being considered. For example, "green roofs" - plant-filled roof top gardens - are one substantial way to confront the country’s ecological problems, and there seems to be very little in the way of a downside. For one thing, a green roof acts as a sponge for rainwater, absorbing the majority of water from a typical rainstorm. Only three to five inches of soil for a green roof is sufficient for this to occur, which keeps the weight of the roof to a minimum. Because the plantings on the roof absorb the rainwater, drainage and sewage systems have a decreased volume of water pumping through them, keeping these systems from becoming over-stressed. And while, the soil and plants are absorbing rainwater, they are also taking in pollutants for their own nourishment by storing carbon and then emitting necessary oxygen back into the atmosphere.
The second and third sentences are characterized, r A. warning and justification B. generalization and specification C. invocation and definition D. authority and reverence E. confession and resolution [单选题]CHEMPRO100化学探测器/军事毒剂侦检仪,可正常工作的温度范围:( )。
A.30℃~55℃ B. -30℃~55℃ C. -55℃~30℃ D. -55℃~-30℃ [单选题]我国自己修建的第一条铁路“京张铁路”,设计者是()。
A.钱学森 B.竺可桢 C.茅以升 D.詹天佑 我来回答: 提交