所谓 5G 网络,是指第五代移动通信网络,5G 技术是全球新一轮科技和产业革命的关键技术,具备高速率、低延时和大容量等特征。在 2019 年的全国两会上,新闻中心首次实现了5G 信号全覆盖,“部长通道”首次进行了 5G+VR 直播,全新的技术加持,进一步丰富了融媒体的报道方式和手段,也为传递两会盛况注入了新的活力与元素。
How many different kinds of emotions do
you feel You may be (1) to find that it is very hard to
specify all of them. Not only (2) hard to describe in words,
they are difficult to (3) . As a result, two people rarely
(4) all of them. However, there are a number of (5)
emotions that most people experience. When we receive something that we want, or something happens (6) we like, we usually feel joy or happiness. Joy is a positive and powerful emotion, (7) for which we all strive. It is natural to want to be happy, and all of us (8) happiness. As a general (9) , joy occurs when we reach a (10) goal or obtain a desired object. (11) people often desire different goals and objects, it is (12) that one person may find joy in repairing a A. agree B. agree on C. agree with D. agree to [单项选择]第一篇On the Trail of the Honey Badgers
On a recent field trip to the Kalahari Desert, a team of researchers learnt a lot more about honey badgers (獾). The team employed a local wildlife expert, Kitso Khama, to help them locate and follow the badgers across the desert. Their main aim was to study the badgers’ movements and behaviour as discreetly (谨慎地) as possible, without frightening them away or causing them to change their natural behaviour. They also planned to trap a few and study them close up before releasing them. In view of the animal’s reputation, this was something that even Khama was reluctant to do.
“The problem with honey badgers is they are naturally curious animals, especially when they see something new,” he says. “that, combined with their unpredictable nature, can be a dangerous mixture. If they sense you have food, for example, they won’t be shy about coming right up to you for something to eat. They’re actually quite sociable creatures around humans, but as soon as
A. They hunt over a very large area. B. They don’t run very quickly. C. They defend their territory from other badgers. D. They are more aggressive than females [单项选择]过量碘产生的抗甲状腺聚碘作用是
A. 腺垂体释放的促甲状腺激素的调节 B. 下丘脑-腺垂体-甲状腺反馈调节轴正常 C. 下丘脑促甲状腺激素释放激素的调节 D. Wolff-Chaikoff效应 E. 交感神经的兴奋作用 [单选题]CRH2A型动车组进行主空压机过滤器清洁时可采用采用压缩空气吹气清扫,风压要求在()Kpa以下。
A.665 B.675 C.685 D.695 我来回答: 提交