Our surroundings are being polluted
faster than ever and it seems that people cannot prevent it. Time is bringing us
more people, and more people will bring us more industry, more cars, larger
cities, and the growing use of man-made materials. What can explain and settle this problem The fact is that pollution is caused by man—by his desire for a modern way of life. We make "increasing industrialization" as our first aim. So we are often ready to offer everything: clean air, pure water, good food, our health and the future of our children. There is a constant flow of people from the country-side into the cities, eager for the achievements of our modern society. But as our technological achievements have grown in the last 20 years, pollution has become a serious problem. Isn’t it time we stopped to ask ourselves where we are A. the population of the world is increasing faster B. people use too many man-made materials C. we have more industry D. we are producing more cars, trucks and buses [单选题](41101)目前常用的10kV级有载调压变压器为SLZ7系列,控制器为JKY-3A,调压范围为( )。(2.0
分) A.±10% B.±15% C.±20% D.±30% [单选题]3200千伏安及以上高压供电电力排灌站执行的功率因数标准为( )。
A.0.9 B.0.85 C. 0.8 D.不执行 [单项选择]某城区A地块因旧城改造拟进行拆迁,房屋拆迁管理部门书面通知有关部门暂停为拆迁范围内的单位和个人办理房屋新建、改建、出租等审批手续(由于一些突然的原因)。
申请领取房屋拆迁许可证的,应当向房屋所在地的市、县人民政府房屋拆迁管理部门提交的资料中不包括( )。 A. 建筑项目批准文件 B. 建设用地规划许可证 C. 拆迁补偿安置协议书 D. 拆迁计划和拆迁方案 [判断题]运行揭示编辑软件无法完成防汛揭示的编辑(仍需随车携带)。各运用单位每年根据集团公司公布的防洪工作安排意见,收集、汇总、编印本单位“防洪重点地段一览表”发至轨道车。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]服用短效避孕药希望妊娠者,须在停药后
A.1个月 B.2个月 C.3个月 D.5个月 E..6个月 [单选题]钢材、铝合金是木材的可替代商品,因此根据钢材、铝合金的销售量,可大体预测木材的需求变化。这种预测方法是( )。
A.相关类推法 B.对比类推法 C.定量预测法 D.用户调查法 [单项选择]在组织建设项目竣工验收时,验收委员会的职责是( )。
A. 对工程竣工决算进行审查 B. 对工程项目的设计和施工质量做出检验及评定 C. 评定主要工艺设备和配套设施联动负荷试车是否合格 D. 审查预验收情况报告和移交生产准备情况报告 [填空题]潜液泵必须由( )驱动。
[单选题]KYN28-10系列高压开关柜中小车与接地开关防误操作的联锁装置包括( )。
A. 接地开关摇把还没有取下时,小车可以由试验位置的定位状态转变为移动状态 B. 接地开关处于合闸位置,小车不能由定位状态转变为移动状态 C. 接地开关处于分闸位置,小车不能由定位状态转变为移动状态 [填空题]电流在单位时间内通过用电器所做的功称为( )_ ,用字母( )_表示。其数学表达式为:( )_。
Is College Worth It A. When LaTisha Styles graduated from Kennesaw State University in Georgia in 2006 she had $35,000 of student debt. This obligation (债务) would have been easy to discharge if her Spanish degree had helped her land a well-paid job. But there is no shortage of Spanish-speakers in a nation that borders Latin America. So Ms. Styles found herself working in a clothes shop and a fast-food restaurant for no more than $11 an hour. B. Frustrated, she took the brave decision to go back .to the same college and study something more pragmatic. She majored in finance, and now has a good job at an investment consulting firm. Her debt has increased to $65,000, but she will have little trouble paying it off. C. As Ms. Styles’ story shows, there is no simple answer to the question "Is college worth it " Some degrees pay for themselves; others don’t. American school kids considering whether to take on huge student loans [判断题]停放制动缓解灯亮,HMI显示停放制动状态显示为施加,合停放制动缓解旁路(=27-S103),无效则打紧急牵引终点站退出服务。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题] 国有土地使用权出让收入划转税务部门征收后,对于已缴入财政非税专户,但尚未划缴国库的有关资金,由财政部门按照非税收入收缴管理制度规定缴入国库。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 根据《生产安全事故应急条例》,()指导、协调本级人民政府其他负有安全生产监督管理职责的部门和下级人民政府的生产安全事故应急工作。
A.县级以上地方人民政府 B.应急管理部 C.县级以上人民政府应急管理部门 我来回答: 提交