The most exciting kind of education is
also the most. Nothing can (61) the joy of discovering
for yourself something that is important to you. It may be an idea or a
bit of information you (62) across accidentally--or a sudden
(63) , fitting together pieces of information or working
through a problem. Such personal (64) are the "pay
off’" in education. A. teacher may (65) you to
learning and even encourage you in it--but no teacher can make the excitement or
the joy happen. That’s (66) to you. A research paper, (67) in a course and perhaps checked at various stages by an instructor, (68) you beyond classrooms, beyond the texts for classes and into a (69) where the joy of discover and learning can come to you many times. (70) the research paper is an active and indi A. later B. beforehand C. afterwards D. before [单选题]深基坑、电缆工井内工作必须按照规定进行()。
A.化学品检测 B.有限空间气体检测 C.有毒物质检测 [单项选择]实现财务管理目标的途径是提高报酬率和减少风险。企业的投资报酬率的高低和风险的大小又决定于投资项目、资本结构和股利政策。由此判断,财务管理的内容不包括( )。
A. 投资项目 B. 资本结构 C. 投资风险 D. 股利政策 [单项选择]TSA型螺杆泵是()螺杆喷油结构。
A. 二 B. 三 C. 四 D. 五 [多选题]在吊装作业开始前,应检查:
A.A)吊索具状况 B.B) 捆绑是否牢靠 C.C)被吊物品是否有预埋或连接间 D.D)安全销是否牢靠 [多选题]根据《工程建设项目货物招标投标办法》(七部委局令第27号),依法必须进行招标的项目的招标人有下列( )情形的,由有关行政监督部门责令改正,可以处中标项目金额千分之十以下的罚款。
A. 无正当理由不发出中标通知书 B. 不按照规定确定中标人 C. 中标通知书发出后无正当理由改变中标结果 D. 无正当理由不与中标人订立合同 [单项选择]男婴,营养状况良好,勉强扶坐,还不能独坐。测量:头围41cm,前囟1cm×1cm,身高65cm,出牙一枚,腕部X线摄片示骨化中心2个。最可能的年龄是( )
A. 3~4个月 B. 5~6个月 C. 7~8个月 D. 8~9个月 E. 10~12个月 [判断题]220千伏规模及以上工程由建设单位组织对初步设计文件内审。
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