The U. S. Bureau has estimated that the
population of the United States could approach 300 million in 2000 and will be
400 million in 2020. And the U. S. Department of Commerce estimates that the
average U.S. per capita income will increase from $3400 in 1969 to the
equivalent of$8300(assuming a 1967 price level) in the year 2000,2.5 times as
much as that of 1969. According to government statistics, in the United States, there are over 110 million cars and "more people" means "more cars". By the end of twenties of next century, the population of the United States will have doubled that of today and the number of automobiles will be doubled as well. And in twenty-year’s time the per capita income will also be 2.5 times higher than it is. If this increase income is spent on more and larger automobiles, larger houses, and increased cons A. the increase of cars B. the increase of population C. the expansion of nuclear power D. the possible environmental pollution [单项选择]心脏左前斜位投照的旋转角度一般为( )
A. 30~40 B. 40~50 C. 50~60 D. 60~70 E. 45~55 [单选题]配置POP3服务器时,邮件服务器中默认开放TCP的( )端口
A.21 B.25 C.53 D.110 [判断题]开展辖区消防安全重点单位熟悉,应熟悉辖区消防安全重点单位的数量、分类和分布情况;主要危险情况;重点部位的有关情况;内部消防水源情况。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 水泵是用来抽吸液体.输送液体和 ( )增压的。
A.使水 B.使气体 C.使固体 D.使液体 [单选题]在下列涡轮蜗杆材料配比中,性能优良的是()
A.钢和铸铁 B.钢和青铜 C.钢和钢 D.青铜和青铜 [单选题]公文筐测试也称为( )。
A.公文分类 B.公文整理 C.公文处理 D.公文归类 [单选题] 用直流电桥测量开关的接触电阻时,电桥指示的电阻值随时间增长而( )。
A.增加 B.不变 C.减少 [多选题]电缆发生故障后应立即进行故障巡视,具有交叉互联的电缆跳闸后,还应对(____)进行巡视,并对向同一用户供电的其它电缆开展巡视工作以保证用户供电安全。
A.交叉互联箱 B.接地箱 C.架空线路 D.断路器 [单项选择]青少年正畸患者出现牙龈炎的几率为().
A. 10%~20% B. 20%~30% C. 30%~40% D. 40%~50% E. 50%以上 [单项选择]It is easy for many kinds of insects to live in the desert because ______.
A. They only need a little food to survive B. they are not afraid of the heat C. They are too small to be attacked by other animals D. they have a skin which is against water [单选题]基因歧视:指人们从基因的角度对遗传倾向进行预测,在揭示和公开遗传信息后,对携带某些“不利基因”或“缺陷基因”者的社会活动产生不利的影响。下列与基因歧视无关的是( )。
A.老王是严重的高血压病患者,他的儿子小王今年24岁,多次应聘不成的原因就是应聘单位知道他父亲的病史 B.小娇的母亲是乙肝患者,小娇已到了上幼儿园的年龄,但没有一个幼儿园敢接受她,都害怕她携带乙肝病毒传染给其他小朋友 C.小徐在一家大公司工作,经济收入颇丰,身高1.78米,一表人才,但因患有癫痫病,谈了好多个女朋友都告吹了,至今未找到对象 D.小谢在一次事故中失去了左脚,他的女朋友提出与他分手,说她无法跟一个四肢不健全的人过一辈子,如果再生一个没脚的孩子更是让人笑话。小谢又气又恨,答应分手 我来回答: 提交