If you do get a place in the student dormitory, it is likely that you will have to share your living space with one other student. While having an American roommate will help you to learn more about American ways, there will probably be many times that discomfort or conflict will arise due to cultural differences.
(42) Sex:
With regard to sex in general, American behavior is quire different from the norms found in China.
(43) Relationship Between Teachers & Students:
On the campus, particularly where classes are small. I found a strange informality that characterized the relationship between students and their professors.
In my interaction with American friends. I noticed that the concept of a gift is quite different here. Many things we give to each other in China are not called "gifts" but are considered to be a reflection of ordinary duties and mutual obl
Passage Two Questions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage. Some people might think that Father’s Day was established as a holiday to help greeting card companies sell more cards. However,when Father’s Day was first suggested in the early 1900s,Father’s Day cards hadn’t been invented yet. The idea of celebrating Father’s Day was actually inspired by Mother’s Day. In 1909,Mother’s Day was just becoming very popular in the United States. One day,Sonora Dodd,of Spokane,Washington. was listening to a church talk about setting aside a day to honor one’s mother. It gave her the idea to propose a day to honor fathers,and in particular,her own father-William Jackson Smart. Mr. Smart had raised Sonora and her five brothers and sisters all by himself after Sonora’s mother died in childbirth. As an adu A. 1972 B. 1910 C. 1909 D. 1900 [判断题]曲线拨道,一般应由中间向曲线两端拨。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]信号机点灯变压器II次测输出电压为( )
A.44V B.45V C.46V D.47V [多选题]以下哪些材料可以作为客户的授信证明材料?
A.公积金缴存记录 B.个人所得税证明 C.近一年内的银行流水原件 D.近半年内的银行流水原件 [单项选择]监理实施细则的编制对象是( )。
A. 专业监理工作 B. 监理规划 C. 项目整体 D. 监理合同 [单项选择]Funhouse mirrors, which are not flat, cause images to be ______.
A. distorted B. distilled C. diluted D. diffused [填空题]S10
[单选题]A-A-003 5 2 3
氢气在油品中的溶解度随温度的增加而()。 A.增加 B.降低 C.不变 D.基本无影响 [判断题]轨道高低不平顺,主要是路基沉陷、捣固不良、扣件松动、枕木腐朽和钢轨磨耗等因素造成
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交