Elizabeth Hazen and Rachel Brown
copatented one of the most widely acclaimed wonder drugs of the post-Second
World War years. Hazen and Brown’s work was stimulated by the wartime need to
find a cure for the fungus(真菌类) infections that afflicted many military
personnel. Scientists had been feverishly searching for an antibiotic toxic
enough to kill the fungi but safe enough for human use, since, unfortunately,
the new "wonder drugs" such as penicillin and streptomycin(链霉素) killed the very
bacteria in the body that controlled the fungi. It was to discover a fungicide
without that double effect that Brown, of New York State’s Department of Health
Laboratories at Albany, and Hazen, senior microbiologist at the Department of
Health in New York, began their long-distance collaboration. Based upon Hazen’s
previous research at Columbia Unive A. Hazen and Brown developed nystatin there. B. Brown was educated there. C. Hazen did research there. D. It awarded a prize to Hazen and Brown. [单选题]几个人一起骑车会比一个人骑车快,这种现象称为( )
A.社会助长作用 B.从众心理 C.模仿作用 D.服从心理 [简答题]负反馈:
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 变压器注油排氮时,任何人不得在( )。 (1.0分)
A. 器身5m内停留 B. 器身8m内停留 C. 器身10m内 停留 D. 排气孔处停留 [单选题]钢桥施工施工质量要求种,钢桥的杆件加固法,描述错误的是()
A.钢板受到了较短和较深的创伤,不宜用电焊填补 B.用增设水平加劲肋、竖向加劲肋的方法加固钢板梁 C.加劲杆件,或增强各杆件间的联系 D.在结合处用贴板拼接,加设短角钢加强桁架杆件与节点板的连接 [简答题]简述继发性高血压病因?
A.感染、发热 B.外伤、失血 C.呕吐伴腹泻 D.血尿酸或血钙过低 E.心力衰竭 [多选题] 利用消防梯登高开辟外攻路线时应采取哪些安全保护措施?
A.应落实专人保护,必要时应利用安全绳对梯首进行固定 B.水带铺设不得缠绕消防梯,防止水锤作用掀翻消防梯坠落伤人。 C.空中搭桥时,不得拉伸过长超过承载,中间应采取加固措施。 D.有倒塌、轰燃、高温、浓烟等风险时,不得将身体固定在消防梯上,做好紧急避险 [判断题]预备立宪并没有能够挽救清王朝,反而激化了社会矛盾,加重了危机 ()
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]生产经营单位制定的应急预案应当至少每( )年修订一次,预案修订情况应有记录并归档。
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 [单选题]屈原是春秋时代哪国人? )
A.齐国 B.楚国 C.燕国 D.秦国 [多项选择]施工质量保证体系的主要内容是( )。
A. 现场施工质量控制的目标体系和业务职能(部门)分工 B. 现场施工质量控制的基本制度和主要工作流程 C. 现场施工质量计划或施工组织设计文件和控制点及其控制措施 D. 现场施工质量控制的内外沟通协调关系网络及其运行措施 E. 现场施工质量控制的职务说明书 我来回答: 提交