.端口模式配置为 TRUNK
The favorite food in the United States
is hamburger. The favorite place to buy a hamburger is a fast food restaurant.
At a fast food restaurant, people order their food, wait a few minutes, and
carry it to their tables themselves. People also take their food out of the
restaurant and eat it in their c A. some of B. most of C. a part of D. all of [判断题]居民阶梯电价:居民月用电量分三个档次:第一档230度、第二档231-400度每度加价0.05元、第三档高于 400度部分,每度加价0.3元。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]什么叫集中系数?
[单选题]铁路使用的快餐盒按( )有关规定,必须达到安全卫生,短期内降解的要求。
A.卫生部 B.防疫部门 C.铁道部 D.铁路局 [单选题]《职业病防治法》是为了( )和消除职业病危害,防治职业病,保护劳动者健康及其相关权益,促进经济发展,根据宪法而制定。
A.预防、减少 B.预防、遏制 C.预防、控制 [单选题]下列叙述中错误的是(B)。
A.焦炭带入高炉中的硫分占入炉总硫量的80%以上 B.焦炭中的硫主要以硫化物的形式存在 C.硫在炉内高温区和低温区之间存在一个循环过程 D.控制生铁含硫量的主要是调整硫在渣铁间的分配比,其次是调整料柱结构,让更多的硫在软熔带附近被CaO吸收进入炉渣或者在炉缸喷吹石灰粉或其与煤粉的混合物吸硫后直接进入炉渣,减少炉内硫的循环量 [单项选择]兴奋一收缩偶联的结构基础是()
A. 肌浆网 B. 终池 C. 纵管 D. 横管 E. 三联管 [单选题]长期停运超过( )个月的断路器,应经常规试验合格方可投运。在正式执行操作前应通过远方控制方式进行试操作2~3次,无异常后方能按操作票拟定的方式操作。
A.6 B.5 C.4 D.3 [单项选择]澳大利亚的主要出口物资是()
A. 煤、铁、牛肉、大豆 B. 稻米、纸浆、铁、羊毛 C. 煤、铁、羊毛、小麦 D. 锡、铀、小麦、羊毛 [单选题]推土机上下坡应用( )档行驶,上坡不得换档,下坡不得脱档滑行。
A. 低速 B. 中速 C. 高速 D. 空挡 [单项选择]2009年6月1日,李某欲购买G寿险公司某保险产品,李某填写完投保单后,通过银行转账的方式向G寿险公司缴纳首期保费2,000元,财务部门确认保费已到账。6月10日,核保后G寿险公司同意承保,并签发保单。该保单在6月11日零时生效,承保期限为终身,缴费期为20年。G寿险公司财务部向投保人实际支付该笔款项后,应做的账务处理为()。
A. 借:银行存款2000 贷:其他应收款2000 B. 借:银行存款2000 贷:其他应付款2000 C. 借:其他应收款2000 贷:银行存款2000 D. 借:其他应付款2000 贷:银行存款2000 [单选题]带运包裹所占用的包房( )应按占用数量购买车票。
A.房间 B.铺位 C.面积 D.体积 [单选题]在下水道、煤气管线、潮湿地、垃圾堆或有腐质物等附近挖坑时,应设()。
A.围栏 B.警示牌 C.C监护人 D.D工作负责人 [单选题]道岔轨道静态几何尺寸容许偏差管理值中,尖轨尖处轨距作业验收的容许偏差管理值为( )。
A.±1 mm B.±2mm C.+2mm,-1 mm D.+3mm,-1 mm [单选题]压力表读值时应做到( )。
A.眼睛、表针、刻度三点成一线 B.眼睛、刻度两点成一线 C.眼睛、表针两点成一线 D.眼睛、表盘、刻度三点成一线 [判断题]断路器固有分闸时间称断路时间。()[1.0分]
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题] 遇有下列( )情形,公安机关及其人民警察可以当场收缴罚款。
A. 张某骑自行车在道路上逆行,被交通民警当场罚款50元,张某不服,认为自己没有违法行为 B. 李某在火车卧铺车厢内殴打邻铺的赵某,被当场罚款200元,李某说自己下车后要转车,无法缴纳罚款,要求当场缴纳罚款 C. 陈某A县人,系长途货运司机,在经过B县时,因闯红灯被交通民警当场罚款200元 D. 王某驾驶自己的私家车违反道路通行规定,被交通民警当场罚款100元,王某对此无异议 [判断题]有限空间作业申请人由作业负责人担任或由有限空间作业单位的管理人员担任。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]根据《商业银行市场风险管理指引》规定,商业银行总的市场风险限额以及限额的种类、结构应当由()批准。
A. 董事会 B. 高级管理层 C. 市场风险部门主管 D. 监事会 [简答题](62234)选择零件修复方法的一般步骤有哪些?(5.0分)
A. 生长激素释放激素(GRH)和催乳激素释放激素(PRF. B. 促甲状腺激素释放激素(TRH) C. 催产素 D. 促肾上腺皮质激素释放激素(CRF. E. 促性腺激素释放激素(GnRH)和黑色素细胞刺激素释放激素(MRF. [单选题]劳务分包单位施工人员50人一200人的.应当配备( )名专职安全生产管理人员。
A.1名 B.2名 C.3名 D.3名以上 [名词解释]地域管辖
A.正确 B.错误 [不定项选择题]It would be all too easy to say that Facebook’s market meltdown is coming to an end.After all,Mark Zuckerberg’s social
network burned as much as$50 billion of shareholders’wealth in just a couple months.To put that in context,since its debut(初次登台)on NASDAQ in May,Facebook has lost value nearly equal to Yahoo,AOL,Zynga,Yelp,Pandora,Open Table,
Group on,LinkedIn,and Angie's List combined,plus that of the bulk of the publicly traded newspaper industry:
As shocking as this utter failure may be to the nearly 1 billion faithful Facebook users around the world,it’s no surprise to
anyone who read the initial public offering(IPO)prospectus(首次公开募股说明书).Worse still,all the crises that emerged
when the company debuted-overpriced shares,poor corporate governance,huge challenges to the core business,and a
damaged brand-remain today.Facebook looks like a prime example of what Wall Street calls a falling knife-that is,one that
can cost investors their fingers if they try to catch it.
Start with the valuation.To justify a stock price close to the lower end of the projected range in the IPO,say$28 a share,Facebook’s future growth would have needed to match that of Google seven years earlier.That would have required
increasing revenue by some 80 percent annually and maintaining high profit margins all the while.
That’s not happening.In the first half of 2012,Facebook reported revenue of$2.24 billion,up 38 percent from the same
period in 2011.At the same time,the company’s costs surged to$2.6 billion in the six-month period.
This so-so performance reflects the Achilles’heel of Facebook’s business model,which the company clearly stated in a
list of risk factors associated with its IPO:it hasn’t yet figured out how to advertise effectively on mobile devices,The number
of Facebook users accessing the site on their phones surged by 67 percent to 543 million in the last quarter,or more than
half its customer base.
Numbers are only part of the problem.The mounting pile of failure creates a negative feedback loop that threatens Facebook’s future in other ways.Indeed,the more Facebook’s disappointment in the market is catalogued,the worse Facebook’s
image becomes.Not only does that threaten to rub off on users,it’s bad for recruitment and retention of talented hackers,who are the lifeblood of Zuckerberg’s creation.
Yet the brilliant CEO can ignore the sadness and complaints of his shareholders thanks to the super-voting stock he
holds.This arrangement also was fully disclosed at the time of the offering.It’s a pity so few investors apparently bothered to
do their homework.
What can be inferred about Facebook from the first paragraph 《》()
A.Its market meltdown has been easily halted. B.It has increased trade with the newspaper industry. C.It has encountered utter failure since its stock debut. D.Its shareholders have invested$50 billion in a social network. [单选题]关于体位引流,错误的是
A. 患侧卧位 B. 餐前引流 C. 每次15~20分钟 D. 引流前辅以胸部叩击 [判断题]据用途的不同,视频服务器可分为存储服务器、告警服务器、管理服务器、录像服务器等。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交