Scotland Yard’s top fingerprint expert,
Detective Chief Superintendent Gerald Lambourne had a request from the British
Museum’s Prehistoric Department to focus his magnifying glass on a mystery.
"Somewhat outside my usual beat," he said. This was not a question of Who Did It, but Who Was It. The blunt instruments he pored over were the antlers of red deer, dated by a radio-carbon examination as being up to 5,000 years old. They were used as mining picks by Neolithic man to hack flints and chalk, and the fingerprints he was looking for were of our remote ancestors who had last wielded them. The antlers were unearthed in July during the British Museum’s five-year-long excavation at Grime’s Graves, near Thetford, Norfolk, a 93 -acre site containing more than 600 vertical shafts in the chalk some 40 A. to assist in filling in detailed picture of early miners B. to throw light on an interesting aspect of early man’s methods of work C. to provide information about the organization of work D. to tell the purpose of using these antlers [不定项选择题]A.肾部分切除术
A.肾实质切开取石术 B.输尿管切开取石术 C.肾盂切开取石术 D.肾窦肾盂切开取石术 E.肾内型肾盂,或结石较大经肾盂切开取石易造成肾盂撕裂者 [单选题]男,25岁,被撞伤右胸后觉胸痛,深呼吸时疼痛加重,无明显呼吸困难及发绀,胸片示右3、4肋骨单处骨折,右肺压缩约30%。其治疗方案应是
A.胸膜腔穿刺抽气 B.闭式胸膜腔引流术 C.输血输液治疗 D.给氧 E.镇静止痛、保守治疗 [单选题]风湿性心脏病最常的心律失常是( )
A.室颤心律 B.房颤心律 C.窦性心律 D.室性早搏 [单选题]一般电机轴承的加油量应占轴承空间的( )为宜。
A.42372 B.42371 C.42403 [单选题]护士在候诊室巡视时,发现一年轻女患者精神不振,询问后患者诉肝区隐痛,疲乏,食欲差,双眼巩膜黄染。检查:尿三胆 (++)。护士应
A. 转急诊室诊治 B. 安排提前就诊 C. 将患者转隔离门诊 D. 给患者测量生命体征 E. 安慰患者,不要着急焦虑 [单选题]关于气相色谱法时指出下属说法中那种说法是错误的的( )。
A.氢气、氮气等是气相色谱法的流动相 B.固定液是气相色谱法的固定相 C.气相色谱法主要是用来分离沸点低、热稳定性好的性质 D.气相色谱法是一个分离效能高、分析速度快的分析方法 [单项选择]男性,25岁,发热,牙龈出血,皮肤瘀斑5天,胸骨压痛明显,肝脾肋下触及。查:血红蛋白70g/L、白细胞50×109/L、血小板20×109/L;骨髓:原始细胞0.9,POX(-),PAS阳性呈粗颗粒状,非特异性酯酶阴性,血清溶菌酶正常,其诊断是()
A. 急性粒细胞白血病 B. 急性早幼粒细胞白血病 C. 急性单核细胞白血病 D. 急性淋巴细胞白血病 E. 急性红白血病 [单选题]智能变电站二次工作安全措施执行的基本要求如下:在现场执行()时,解除与其他运行设备相连的二次回路、硬压板或隔断SV/GOOSE网络光纤接线应有明显标记,并做好记录。
A. A.操作票 B.B.安全措施 C.C.工作票 D.D.实验步骤 [单选题]( )的作用是阻隔地层流体与外界连通,而保持高的压力状态。
A.生油层 B.储油层 C.运移 D.圈闭层 [简答题]运维工岗位责任有哪些?
[多选题]事故原因分析中,下列情况应确定为间接原因的是( )。
A.操作工操作不当 B.劳动组织不合理 C.作业场所狭窄 D.安全培训不到位 E.应急救援不当 我来回答: 提交