患儿脑脊液静置有网状薄膜形成,将薄膜取出作抗酸染色发现有结核杆菌,可确诊为全身性粟粒性结核病合并上述疾病。在其强化阶段最用的联合用药是( ) If those "mad moments"--when you can’t
remember what your friend has told you or where you left your keys--are becoming
more frequent, mental exercises and a healthy brain diet may help. Just as bodies require more maintenance with the passing years, so do brains, which scientists now know show signs of aging as early as the 20s and 30s. "Brain aging starts at a very young age, younger than any of us had imagined and these processes continue gradually over the years," said Dr. Gary Small, the director of the Center on Aging at the University of California, Los Angeles. ’Tin convinced that it is never too early to get started on a mental or brain-fitness program," he added. In his book, The Memory Bible, the 51-year-old neuroscientist (神经学家) lists what he refers to as the 10 suggestions for keeping the brain young. They i A. everyone has bad memories sometimes no matter how old he is B. we can prevent our mind from aging with various methods C. brain aging starts at the time when we are in the 20s and 30s D. memory loss is not the sign that we are getting old [多选题]供电方案的客户信息应包括户名、用电地址、行业、( )。
A.根据客户的用电容量、用电性质、用电时间,以及用电负荷的重要程度,确定高压供电、低压供电、临时供电等供电方式 B.根据用电负荷的重要程度确定多电源供电方式,提出保安电源、自备应急电源、非电性质的应急措施的配置要求 C.根据用电负荷的重要程度确定单电源供电方式,提出保安电源、自备应急电源、非电性质的应急措施的配置要求 D.客户的自备应急电源、非电性质的应急措施、谐波治理措施应与供用电工程同步设计、同步建设、同步投运、同步管理 [单选题]关于顺磁性对比剂的描叙,错误的是
A.低浓度时,主要使T1缩短 B.高浓度时,主要使T2缩短 C.常用T1效应作为T1WI中的阳性对比剂 D.顺磁性金属元素,其化合物的水溶液无顺磁性 E.浓度高时,出现超过T1效应,使MR信号降低 [多选题]对合作社贷款业务应重点审查的内容包括()。
A.合作社是否符合准入条件、证明材料是否完备,行业划分是否准确、各项财务指标是否符合实际 B.合作社第二还款来源的还款能力、意愿;合作社提供的抵质押物是否足额有效、是否符合农业银行规定、能否容易变现 C.合作社是否满足总量控制规定 D.合作社从事产业的市场前景、规模和赢利情况 [单选题]通话次数计算方法规定长途半自动收:接通一次通话,( )计算通话一次。
A.发话所 B.转接所 C.收话所 D.局所 [多项选择]某宗房地产是采用抵押贷款方式购买的,购买总价为50万元,首付款为房价的30%,余款在未来10年内以抵押贷款方式按月等额支付。银行贷款年利率为5.58%。则下列说法中正确的有( )。
A. 该房地产的实际价格等于名义价格 B. 该房地产的名义价格为50万元 C. 该房地产的实际价格高于50万元 D. 该房地产的实际价格为50万元 E. 该房地产不存在名义价格 我来回答: 提交