There are many streets in London containing shops dealing in book-selling. (36) the best known of these is Charing Cross Road in the very. (37) of London. Here bookshops of all sorts and sizes (38) to be found, from the celebrated one which (39) to be "the biggest bookshop in the world" to the (40) dusty places which seem to have been (41) over from Dickens’s time. Some of these shops (42) , or will obtain (获得), any kind of book, but many of (43) feature (特征,特写) secondhand books, art books, foreign books or books on philosophy (哲学), politics or any other of the (44) subjects about which books may be written. One shop in this area specializes only (45) hooks about ballet(芭蕾舞)! (46) it may be the most convenient place for Londoners to (47) books, Chafing Cross Road is not the cheapest. For the (48) cheap secondhand books, the collector must try some (49) places, to Far
A. In return
B. And
C. Instead
D. Returning
A. condemn B. accuse C. charge D. blame [多选题]全自动方式的馈线自动化,当故障隔离遥控失败时的处理方式有哪几种( )
A.扩大隔离范围 B.重新分析隔离方案 C.转为交互方式 D.停止本次处理 [单项选择] 马斯洛的需要层次理论中的各种需要发生先后顺序正确的是()。 ①自我实现的需要 ②社交的需要 ③尊重的需要 ④生理的需要 ⑤安全的需要
A. ①②③④⑤ B. ⑤③②④① C. ④②③⑤① D. ④⑤②③① [单选题]1.84货车核定乘坐人数应小于等于( )__。
A.2人 B.3人 C.6人 D.9人 [单项选择]第一篇 Eta Carinae
As possibly the galaxy’s (银河) most massive star, Eta Carinae is now engaging in some very unusual behaviour. Australian astronomers, being in the Southern Hemisphere (半球), are able to observe it clearly.
In the 19th century, Eta Carinae was for a time the third brightest star in the sky. It has now become less bright so that binoculars (双筒望远镜 )are needed to see it. “It seems to be brightening and becoming less bright over a period of many years”, said Dr Bob Duncan from the Australia Telescope National Facility.
While it is not unusual for stars to vary in brightness, the period is usually much shorter. “Since 1992 it has become four times brighter, and then last year it began to drop dramatically,” he said.
The problem in observing Eta Carinae is that it has been surrounded by a cloud of gas and dust, making it hard to see the star directly. However, radio waves and infrared light (红外线)can pass through this cloud, so telescopes that receive these wavelengths can
A. it is too far away. B. there is too much dust and gas around it. C. the binoculars are not powerful enough. D. it does not send out infrared light. 我来回答: 提交