可能引起该病的原因包括() Besides active foreign enterprises and
a (31) number of private employers, a consequential new
development was the development of employment in state-owned enterprises
(guanying or guanshang). Started by some (32) Qing officials,
the yangwupai, in the late nineteenth century, sizable state-owned
enterprises developed primarily (33) enhancing China’s
national defense. Famous industrial giants of today’s China such as the
shipyards in Shanghai and heavy industries in cities like Wuhan, Nanjing, and
Chongqing were built by the Qing or the Republic governments. Some of them later
began to (34) considerable private investment. After World
War Ⅱ, this type of state-owned employment became very important. Labor in those
enterprises consisted basically (35) two tiers: a largely
market-oriented allocation of blue-collar an A. flavor B. flavoring C. favored D. favoritism [单项选择]患者,男性,70岁,阵发性、刺激性呛咳2个月。查体:右锁骨上窝淋巴结肿大;X线胸片示右侧肺门阴影增大。首先应考虑
A. 胸膜炎 B. 肺结核 C. 胸腔积液 D. 支气管肺癌 E. 慢性支气管炎 [单选题] 安全评估由( )委托省级以上主管部门认定的专家组或评估机构进行。
A. 作业单位 B. 主办单位 C. 公安机关 D. 指挥部 [判断题]打开含有高压变压器或电容器的电子仪器的盖子是危险的。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]蒙台梭利认为儿童有发展的需要,为满足和强化这种需要,必须通过自由活动、自发游戏和()的方式与途径实现。
A. 规则游戏 B. 自发活动 C. 智力游戏 D. 感官游戏 [判断题]19世纪末,美国以国内的文官改革运动直接推动了行政学研究。 ( )
[判断题]只要有一个制动单元出现制动不缓解,列车便被认为是处于制动不缓解状态。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]{{B}}Directions:{{/B}}
For Questions 6—10, you will hear a radio program. While you listen, complete the sentences or answer the questions. Use not more than 3 words for each answer. You will hear the recording only once.What Would Steven do
[单选题]下列关于抢劫罪的说法正确的是( )。
A.张某穿着未佩戴警衔的仿制警服实施抢劫,无论其是否能使他人误认为是军警人员,都应认定为冒充军警人员抢劫 B.李某得知谭某运输毒品,便在运输途中抢劫了谭某运输的毒品,构成抢劫罪 C.颜某将刘某打晕后对其进行强奸。后见刘某戴着金戒指,临时起意将其金戒指拿走。对颜某应当以强奸罪和抢劫罪数罪并罚 D.孙某绑架邓某过程中又当场劫取邓某随身携带的财物。对孙某应当以绑架罪和抢劫罪数罪并罚 [判断题]ORACLE 11G RAC可以在安装完成以后修改主机名和public网段。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]以下不属于小农特点的是?()
A. 贫穷 B. 勇敢 C. 思想简单 D. 毅力恒久 [单选题]下列哪个设备是牵引系统中的设备?
A.门控器 B.电机 C.轴箱 D.高速断路器 [单项选择]关于毒性药品警示标记,下列选项错误的是。
A. 标记为“毒”字样 B. 圆形 C. 底色为全黑色 D. 四周为绿色 E. 毒字为白字 [多项选择]ALCATEL设备SUM板功能是()。
A. 传输功能 B. 时钟同步功能 C. BTS的集中操作维护功能 D. 本地操作维护终端的接口 我来回答: 提交