{{I}} Questions 4 to 7 are based on the
following conversation. At the end of the conversation, you will be given 20
seconds to answer the questions. Now, listen to the conversation.{{/I}} |
Our culture has caused most Americans
to assume not only that our language is universal but that the gestures we use
are understood by everyone. We do not realize that waving good-bye is the way to
summon a person from the Philippines to one’s side, or that in Italy and some
Latin-American countries, curling the finger to oneself is a sign of
farewell. Those private citizens who sent packages to our troops occupying Germany after World war Ⅱ and marked them GIFT to escape duty payments did not bother to find out that "Gift" means poison in German. Moreover, we like to think of ourselves as friendly, yet we prefer to be at least 3 feet or an arm’s length away from others. Latins and Middle Easterners like to come closer and touch, which makes Americans uncomfortable. Our linguistic and cultural blindness and the casualness with A. affect their image in the new era B. cut themselves off from the outside world C. limit their role in world affairs D. weaken the position of the US dollar [单选题]
上市公司预计筹划中的重大资产重组事项难以保密或者已经泄露的,应当及时向证券交易所申请停牌,直至真实、准确、完整地披露相关信息。停牌期间,上市公司应当( )事件进展情况公告。
A. 至少每月发布一次 B.至少每周发布一次 C.至少每2周发布一次 D.至少20天发布一次 [判断题]行政法是调整国家行政管理活动中各类社会关系的法律法规的总称。
A.正确 B.错误 [不定项选择题]任何测量都必不可少的要素包括( )。多选
A.评估 B.参照点 C.等级 D.单位 [单项选择]对Graves病诊断有特异性的甲状腺自身抗体是
A. TPOAB B. TgAb C. TRAb D. 钠碘转运蛋白(NIS)的自身抗体 [多项选择]影响商品的消费需求变化的因素有()。
A. 人民收入增长情况 B. 生产力的发展水平 C. 生活水平 D. 人们文化素质 E. 社会文化 [单项选择]甘露醇
A. 填充剂 B. 黏合剂 C. 缓释骨架 D. 润滑剂 E. 均不对 [单选题]1.患儿,男,10个月,纯母乳喂养。因脸色渐苍白3个月入院。查体:无发热,体重7.0Kg,脸色苍白,皮肤巩膜无黄染及出血现象,肝右肋下4cm,脾左肋下3cm。血常规提示:WBC10×109/L,Hb47g/L,PLT194×109/L,RBC10×1012/L。引起贫血的病因是( )
A.先天贮铁不足 B.后天补铁不足 C.生长发育速度快 D.铁吸收障碍 E.铁丢失过多 [多项选择]
滨海水产加工厂原是一家大型国有企业,2011年内,发生了以下事项: A. 不具备会计从业资格证 B. 不具备会计师专业技术职务 C. 从事会计工作三年以上经历 D. 会计专业大专以上学历 [单选题]现场供电系统应采用( )配电。
A.三级配电四级漏电保护 B.三级配电五级漏电保护 C.三级配电二级漏电保护 D.三级配电一级漏电保护 [判断题]坚持党的全面领导,是国家和民族兴旺发达的根本所在,是全国各族人民幸福安康的根本所在。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]客户经理借出空白印鉴卡的时限为7个工作日,异地开户的,可适当延长时间,最长不得超过10个工作日
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]分析两个变量之间的相关关系,通常通过( )来度量变量之间线性关系的相关程度。
A.分析拟合优度 B.观察变量之间的散点图 C.计算残差 D.求解相关系数的大小 [多选题]下列行政许可中属于特许的有( )。
A.集会游行示威许可 B.无线电频率配置许可 C.排污许可 D.海域使用许可 [判断题]电缆耐压试验前,应先对被试电缆充分放电。加压前应在被试电缆周围设置遮栏(围栏)并悬挂警告标示牌,防止人员误入试验场所。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]What Can You Ask When You’re Hiring
Once upon a time, if a job applicant was sitting on the other side of your desk, you (21) ... ask her about her disabilities and what it might take to accommodate her in your company. This was true even if the applicant’s disability was obvious because she was in a wheelchair or using a seeing-eye dog. (22) ... the applicant herself made reference to her disability, the employer was (23) .., in what he could ask. (24) ... things changed in October 1995. Ten Equal Employment Opportunity Commission revised its guidelines for the American with Disabilities Act (ADA). With the new guidelines in place, it is (25) ... for employers to make inquiries about obvious disabilities or ask questions if the applicant (26) ... she is disabled or will require reasonable accommodation. The idea behind the new guidelines, called "ADA Enforcement Guidance: Pre-employment Disability-Related Questions a [多选题]办公及生产经营场所,要保持室内环境清洁,每日通风()以上,每次()分钟,以下说法错误的是。
A. 4,5~10 B. 3,20~30 C. 2,10~15 D. 1,30 E. 3,10~15 [单选题]GB/T19001-2016标准中,七项质量管理原则不包括( )
A.全员积极参与 B.领导作用 C.管理的系统方法 D.过程方法 [简答题]论述汽车发生故障时,用经验判断法判别故障点的主要方法有哪些?
A. 3个月 B. 6个月 C. 12个月 D. 18个月 我来回答: 提交