Archaeology as a profession faces two
major problems. First, it is the poorest of the poor. Only trifling sums are
available for excavating and even less is available for publishing the results
and preserving the sites once excavated. Yet archaeologists deal with priceless
objects every day. Second, there is the problem of illegal excavation, resulting
in museum- quality pieces being sold to the highest bidder. I would like to make an outrageous suggestion that would at one stroke provide funds for archaeology and reduce the amount of illegal digging. I would propose that scientific archeological expeditions and governmental authorities sell excavated artifacts on the open market. Such sales would provide substantial funds for the excavation and preservation of archaeological sites and the publication of results. At the same time, they would break t A. (A) Ancient lamps and pottery vessels are less valuable, although more rare, than royal seal impressions. B. (B) Artifacts that are very similar to each other present cataloguing difficulties to archaeologists. C. (C) Artifacts that are not uniquely valuable, and therefore could be sold, are available in large quantities. D. (D) Cyprus is the most important location for unearthing large quantities of salable artifacts. [多选题]光伏用户可通过(_)实施窃电。
A.升压法 B.升流法 C.市电改接法 D.市电整流逆变法 [单选题]20.关于葡萄园中的工人这个案例,下列理解不正确的是?
A.故事中薪酬分配结果是超过市场水平的。园主按照每天一元钱的约定支付了工人的工资,履行了自己的承诺,但是工人的心理感受不一样。 B.决定工人公平感的不是工人自己的主观感受,而是客观存在的现实(以劳动合同的形式约定薪资水平)或老板的看法。 C.园主是用交换价值来理解公平,仅考虑与个人的约定而不考虑与其他人的比较。 D.工人则考虑使用价值。公平的薪酬是贡献的大小或时间的长短。 E.公平感是员工的投入和产出的比较。 [单选题]商票保贴申请人原则上应提供不低于汇票金额()的保证金(特殊情况经总行审批可降低或免除保证金比例),并对保证金以外的部分提供有效担保。
A.10% B.20% C.30% D.50% [单项选择]凝血酶原(PT)时间测定实验中必不可少的是()
A. 受检血浆、组织凝血活酶、PF3 B. 受检血浆、组织凝血活酶、Ca2+ C. 受检血清、组织凝血活酶、PF3 D. 受检血清、组织凝血活酶、Ca2+ E. 受检血浆、凝血酶原、Ca2+ [单选题]多旋翼飞行器正常作业受自然环境的主要因素是 ( )
A.地表是否凹凸不平 B.风向 C.湿度、风力 [多选题]全国在逃人员信息系统中在逃信息录入中哪些选项为必填项
A.在逃人员编号 B.姓名 C.户籍地区划 D.现住地区划 [判断题]UM71型轨道电路的绝缘节为机械绝缘节而不是电气绝缘节。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]据统计因火灾死亡的人中有80%以上属于( )。
A.被火直接烧死 B.烟气窒息致死 C.跳楼或惊吓致死 我来回答: 提交