While some international
{{U}}couriers{{/U}} are showing signs of exhaustion, EMS (Express Mail Service), the
generic name for the courier services of post offices, seems to be finding its
{{U}}stride{{/U}}. Known as Datapost in Britain, as Chronopost in France, and as
Al-Barid al-Mumtaz in Saudi Arabia, EMS is now second in the international
courier business (jointly with TNT Skypack). Last year it delivered 5.6 million
items, weighing less than 20 kilograms each, across borders. That and its annual
growth rate of around 5 percent have worried DHL, the market leader, enough for
it to counter-attack in the Courts. On October 26, a Dutch judge ruled against DHL on all three counts filed against the Dutch post office: that the three-initial name was too close to DHL’s; that the orange lines in the EMS logo were too similar to DHL’s dark red ones; and t A. lack of relations at customs B. the monopoly of the post office C. no network of offices D. the shortage of workers [单项选择]下列哪项不是肝性脑病的诱因()
A. 安眠药 B. 消化道出血 C. 静脉滴注白蛋白 D. 感染 E. 严重腹泻 [多选题]下列( )工作需填用变电站(发电厂)第二种工作票。
A.低压配电盘、配电箱、电源干线上的工作; B.高压设备上工作需要部分停电者; C.二次系统和照明等回路上的工作,无需将高压设备停电者或做安全措施者; D.高压电力电缆不需停电的工作; E.直流保护装置、通道和控制系统的工作,需要将高压直流系统停用者 [名词解释]八阵
A. 威胁的激励 B. 奖励的激励 C. 个人发展的激励 D. 关系型的激励 [多项选择]平板仪主要部件是由( )组成。
A. 照准仪 B. 平板 C. 三脚架 D. 对点器 [单选题]在编写梯形图时,如果题目中涉及到了关于时间的控制,需用()指令
A.计数 B.跳转 C.定时 D.顺序 [单项选择]关于汽油发动机负荷特性描述正确的是()
A. 汽油机负荷不变,经济性指标随转速变化的关系称为负荷特性 B. 负荷50%左右时,耗油率曲线位置最低 C. 随负荷的增加,充气效率下降 D. 大负荷时,会造成燃烧不完全,使热效率下降 我来回答: 提交