16-20 If the old maxim that the customer is always right still has meaning, then the airlines that ply the world’s busiest air route between London and Paris have a fight on their hands. The Eurostar train service linking the UK and French capitals via the Channel Tunnel is winning customers in increasing numbers. In late May, it carried its one millionth passengers, having run only a limited service between London, Paris and Brussels since November 1994, starting with two trains a day in each direction to Paris and Brussels. By 1997, the company believes that it will be carrying ten million passengers a year, and continue to grow from there. From July, Eurostar steps its service to nine trains each way between London and Paris, and five between London and Brussels. Each train carries almost 800 passengers, A. the Eurostar train service is not doing good business B. the airlines can well compete with the railway C. the Eurostar train service only caused little damage D. only some airlines, such as Air France, arc suffering [单选题]中共十九大报告指出,制定国家监察法,依法赋予监察委员会职责权限和调查手段,用( )取代“两规”措施。( )
A.留置 B.拘留 C.拘役 D.羁押 二、多选题(共25题) [填空题]压缩机组监控装置的工业计算机设备和有关控制器的配置应满足压缩机组的()要求。
A.立即用手拉开触电人员 B.用绝缘物体拉开电源或触电者 C.去找专业电工进行处理 D.呼救,求助外人 [判断题]民用航空行政执法人员,称为中国民用航空监察员,是指按照本规 定取得监察员资格的民航各级行政机关公务员。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]《修事指南》的作者是()
A. 缪希雍 B. 张仲岩 C. 陈嘉谟 D. 赵学敏 E. 李时珍 [单选题]某用户有315kVA和400kVA受电变压器各一台,运行方式互为备用,应按()kVA的设备容量计收基本电费。
A.315 B.400 C.715 D.实用设备容量 [单项选择]对肝硬化失代偿期的病人描述正确的是()
A. 雌激素减少 B. 血小板增高 C. 总胆汁酸降低 D. 贫血 E. PT缩短 [多选题]乘客信息显示系统的功能有( )。
A.实时媒体/预录制文件播放功能 B.视频控制冗余设计功能 C.紧急信息插播功能 D.运行信息显示功能 [单项选择]下面哪一项不是战国时期的器物:()
A. 筒形罐 B. 钵 C. 盒 D. 瓿 [单选题]G04可表示停顿的时间是( )
A.0~9999.0s B.0~9999.9s C.0~9999.99s D.0~9999.999s [多项选择]下列药物属于降血脂药的是
A. 氯贝丁酯 B. 洛伐他汀 C. 洛沙坦 D. 非诺贝特 E. 氟卡尼 [单选题]露天作业的人员,作业时间应尽可能的避开阳光最强烈的时间,采用( )作业等。
A.上午 B.早晚 C.下午 D.晚上 [单选题]二甲基二硫醚在催化重整装置中的作用,主要是( )。
A.重整催化剂硫化剂 B.重整催化剂双功能调节剂 C.预加氢阻垢剂 D.预加氢缓蚀剂 [多选题]开展一级动火作业时,动火工作票一般至少一式三份,分别由( )收执动火工作票。
A.工作负责人 B.动火执行人 C.安监部门(或具有消防管理职责的部门) D.动火部门 我来回答: 提交