{{B}}Sharks{{/B}} Sharks are amazing fish that have been around since long before the dinosaurs existed. They live in waters all over the world, in every ocean, and even in some rivers and lakes. {{B}}Sharks and bony fish{{/B}} Unlike bony fish, sharks have no bones; their skeleton is made of cartilage (软骨), which is a tough, fibrous substance, not nearly as hard as bone. Cartilage, a strong fibrous (纤维的) substance, is softer than bone; our nose and ears are made of cartilage. Sharks also have no swim bladder (unlike bony fish). {{B}}Size{{/B}} There are many different species of sharks that range in size from the size of a person’s hand to bigger than a bus. The Whale shark is the largest fish in the world; the basking shark is the second largest fish. Fully-grown sharks A. Most sharks are about the same size as human beings. B. Sharks are the largest fish, most of them are bigger than buses. C. Most sharks are much longer than human beings. D. Sharks are big animals, most of them are about 50 feet long. [单选题]“并非所有律师都是精通法律的”与“所有律师都不是精通法律的”这两个命题之间具有( )。
A.反对关系 B.差等关系 C.矛盾关系 D.下反对关系 [单项选择]关于阳辅穴的主治、功能说法正确的是()。
A. 祛风解表、清热利湿、调和气血、疏精通络 B. 主治胆道疾病、胁肋痛、颈部病、目赤肿痛、下肢外侧及踝关节疾病 C. 主治偏头痛、耳鸣、耳聋、胁肋痛 D. 主治偏头痛、耳鸣、耳聋、目外眦痛、胸胁及下肢外侧疼痛、颈淋巴结核、疟疾 [多项选择]在五型肝炎病毒中,经粪—口途径传染的病毒是
A. 甲型 B. 丙型 C. 戊型 D. 乙荆 E. 丁型 [单选题]脚踝扭伤第一步就是要立刻停止运动,其次是( )。( )
A.热敷 B.冰敷 C.按摩 D.拉伸 [单项选择]下列关于衰老的机理,不能得到科研解释的是()。
A. 人的成长过程是细胞不断复制的过程,越复制错误越多,出错的过程就是人衰老的过程。 B. 细胞分裂是有极限的,人体细胞从受精卵开始,分裂50次左右便终止,后期的分裂即是衰老。 C. 人的机体像一架机器,运行时间长了,零件磨损严重,工作效率降低,人就衰老了。 D. 人的成长过程中,不断产生“生长废料”,废料堆积多了,机体就衰老了。 [多项选择]为了提高承受轴向变载荷的紧螺栓联接的抗疲劳破坏的能力,应当()
A. 增大被联接件的厚度 B. 增大螺栓的刚度 C. 减小被联接件的厚度 D. 减小螺栓的刚度 [多选题]商品价值形式的发展所经历的阶段有( )。
A.简单的或偶然的价值形式 B.总和的或扩大的价值形式 C.一般的价值形式 D.货币形式 [单项选择]结核病最主要的传染源()
A. 骨结核患者 B. 肾结核患者 C. 传染性肺结核患者 D. 腹膜结核患者 [单项选择]The pollution of Hong Kong’s beaches by oil from a damaged tanker last year recalls a similar incident which took place in Britain in 1967 when the Torrey Canyon, a huge oil tanker, split in two and caused disaster in coastal areas. Shoals of fishes were killed, sea birds hopelessly fouled with oil and coastal holiday resorts put out of business for several weeks. As a result of this particular incident scientists are becoming restless at the thought of Britain’s inability to cope with national disasters on a large scale. The reason for their concern is that technology is rapidly outstripping (超越) man’s ability to control it.
Oil tankers, for instance, have been allowed to get bigger and bigger without sufficient thought being given to emergency braking and maneuvering arrangement. Collisions at sea continue, but little effect has been made to develop safety devices as effective as those used for aircraft. Scientists were outspoken in expressing their concern during a recent A. The Dangers of Modern Technology B. The Problem of Oil Pollution C. Some Interesting Accidents D. A Meeting of the British Association [单项选择]热秘型便秘,若兼郁怒伤肝,证见易怒目赤等证,方选
A. 凉膈散 B. 更衣丸 C. 大承气汤 D. 麻子仁丸 E. 龙胆泻肝丸 我来回答: 提交