"It was the beginning of a revolution
in America and the world, a revolution that some have yet to acknowledge and
many have yet to appreciate," says Harold Skramstad, president of the Henry Ford
Museum in Dearborn, Michigan. 1776 No indeed. 1896, when Frank Duryea finally
perfected the Duryea Motor Wagon. At its first airing, the contraption rolled
less than 100 metres before the transmission froze up. But by the end of 1896
Duryea had sold 13 of them, thus giving birth to the American motor
industry. That industry (whose roots, outside America, are usually attributed to tinkerings by Messrs Daimler and Benz in Germany) is being celebrated hugely over the coming months, culminating with a Great American Cruise in Detroit in June. "Our goal is to attract the greatest collection of antique and classic cars this nation has ever seen A. American automobile industry slowed down its employment of staff since 1900 B. five dollars a day for the blue collar worker was quite a decent wage at the beginning of the century C. every car produced will enable the manufacturers to have a profit of $100,000 D. Ford, GM and Chrysler, the only existing motor manufacturers in U. S. have a business of $ 200 billion annually [单选题]在运单的“件数”栏内,发货人应用()注明:货捆总数(分子)和这些货捆中的货件总数(分母)。
A.分数 B.总数 C.数量 D.合计 [单项选择]关于牙齿的颜色,不正确的叙述是()
A. 釉质外观呈乳白色或淡黄色 B. 釉质矿化程度越高,则越透明 C. 釉质呈淡黄色是由于矿化程度低所致 D. 乳牙釉质常呈乳白色 E. 牙本质呈淡黄色 [填空题]列车发生火灾、爆炸需要分隔甩车时,对甩下的车辆,在车站由车站人员负责采取防溜措施;在区间由<--NRC-->、车辆乘务员负责采取防溜措施。
[单项选择]The first two paragraphs serve all of the following purposes EXCEPT to ______.
A. (A) provide a narrative account to serve as an introduction B. (B) contrast American Indian social events with individual performances C. (C) create a sense of the permanence of some American Indian customs D. (D) inform the reader about the nature of a powwow [单选题]在夏季冲泡茶的基本程序中,温壶(杯)的操作是( )。
A.不需要的,用冷水清洗茶壶(杯)即可 B.仅为了清洗茶具 C.提高壶(杯)的温度,同时使茶具得到再次清洗 D.只有消毒杀菌的作用 [判断题]液压盘式刹车的安装应由专业人员完成,操作及维护人员应经过技术培训
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]采空区必须及时封闭。必须随采煤工作面的推进逐个封闭通至采空区的连通巷道。采区开采结束后45天内,必须在所有与已采区相连通的巷道中设置防火墙,全部封闭采区。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]患者,男,30岁。有肝炎病二年,皮肤、白睛色黄明润,小便色黄,大便秘结,舌苔黄腻,脉滑数。治疗应首选
A. 茵陈、黄芩 B. 茵陈、大黄 C. 茵陈、黄连 D. 大黄、黄连 E. 茵陈、黄柏 [多选题](多选)—( )—二氧化碳灭火后不留污迹,适用于扑救( ) 等处火灾。
A.档案室 B.精密仪器 C.机房 D.贵重设备 [单选题]相分裂导线与单根导线相比( )。
A.电容小; B.线损低; C.电感大; D.对通信干扰加重; [单选题]腔隙性梗死约占急性缺血性脑卒中的
A.10% B.20% C.30% D.40% E.50% [单选题]由计算器算得(12.25×1.1155)/(1.25×0.2500)的结果为43.7276,按有效数字运算规则应记录为( )。
A.43.728 B.43.7 C.43.73 D.43.727 6 [填空题]JZ-7型空气制动机分配阀变向阀柱塞卡滞在单作管侧时,自阀制动( ),单阀制动无效。
[单项选择]在结案期,当发现没有可能阻止结案时,有些服务对象会寻找理由延长服务期限,有时还表现出倒退行为,很多已经解决的问题重又出现,等等,这种反应是( )。
A. 否认 B. 讨价还价 C. 依赖 D. 抱怨 E. 愤怒 [单项选择]患者,女,46岁,风心病二尖瓣狭窄10余年,近1周来出现劳累后胸闷,心悸,休息后稍缓解,近两日来稍有体力活动即感呼吸困难,伴咳嗽、咳痰,昨日夜间睡眠中忽然因胸闷憋醒,今晨急诊入院。查体:P68次/分,HR98次/分,BP105/75mmHg,R18次/分,双颧绀红,端坐位,听诊心尖部可闻及局限、不传导的低调的隆隆样舒张中晚期杂音。明确和量化诊断二尖瓣狭窄的最可靠方法是()
A. X线检查 B. 心电图 C. 超声心动图检查 D. 介入检查 E. 主动脉造影 [单项选择]什么病人术前用药应该酌增()
A. 甲低病人 B. 冠心病病人 C. 休克病人 D. 产科病人 E. 青壮年病人 我来回答: 提交