(21) summary of
the physical and chemical (22) of life must begin, not on
the Earth, but (23) the Sun; in fact, (24)
the Sun’s very center. (25) is here that is to be
found the (26) of the energy that the Sun constantly
(27) space (28) light and heat. This
energy is liberated at the center of the Sun as billions upon billions of nuclei
hydrogen atoms (29) each other and (30)
to form nuclei of helium, and, (31) doing so, (32)
some of the energy that is stored in the nuclei of atoms. The output
of light and heat of the Sun (33) A. on B. in C. with D. by [单项选择]You really have to get very old before you realize you’re old. I’m in my middle fifties and I don’t feel out (35) . However, sometimes I look back at my childhood and (36) things to the way life is (37) today’s kids. Some things have certainly changed.
One (38) of change is television. Some changes have been (39) . Some changes, on the other (40) , have been setbacks. (41) I started school, most people didn’t have a television; TV was just beginning to get (42) . My father decided to go all (43) and buy a 16-inch black and white Motorola (44) . I still remember (45) the Lone Ranger save people from the (46) guys on that awesome electronic (47) . That was exciting! Now, televisions have (48) pictures in full color. The pictures are (49) and the sound is much more (50) . The variety and (51) of programming has increased greatly. There are hundr [单选题]不爱护工、卡、刀、量具的做法是( )。
A.按规定维护工、卡、刀、量具 B.工、卡、刀、量具直接放在工作台上 C.正确使用工、卡、刀、量具 D.工、卡、刀、量具要放在指定地点 [单选题]推上驼峰解散车辆时的速度和装有加、减速顶的线路上的调车速度,在《 》内规定。
A.《技规》 B.《行规》 C.《站细》 D.《调标》 [单项选择]以下何种情况下不应适用信赖保护原则 ( )
A. 由于城市总体规划的修改,国土资源局对甲公司6个月前以拍卖方式取得的土地使用权证书予以收回的 B. 某县质量技术监督局对该县生产国家明令淘汰产品的某企业罚款3万元错误予以纠正的 C. 出于环境保护的政策考虑,某县人民政府决定依法“关停并转”17家蓄电池生产企业 D. 山西省某地级市人民政府出于行业规模和安全生产的考虑,决定依法关闭证照齐全的38家“小煤窑” [单选题]电价政策是国家物价政策组成部分,也是国家制定和管理电价的
A.行为准则 B.经济原则 C.利益关系 D.产业政策 [多选题]电力市场化交易用户的电价由(____)构成。
A.电能量交易价格 B.输配电价 C.辅助服务费用 D.政府性基金及附加 [单选题]工作人员应在( )内通过“铁路客运管理信息系统”(网页版或手机APP)中“征信管理”功能模块录入失信人的失信行为信息。
A.1日 B.2日 C.3日 D.5日 [单项选择]化脓性脑膜炎合并硬膜下积液,常见的病原菌是( )
A. 金黄色葡萄球菌 B. 大肠杆菌 C. B族溶血性链球菌 D. .流感嗜血杆菌 E. 绿脓杆菌(铜绿假单胞菌) 我来回答: 提交