A land free from destruction, plus
wealth, natural resources, and labor supply--all these were important factors,
in helping England to become the center for the Industrial Revolution.
(31) they were not enough. Something else was needed to
start the industrial process. That "something special" was men (32)
individuals who could invent machines, find new sources of power, and
establish business organizations to reshape society. The men who (33) the machines of the Industrial Revolution came from many backgrounds and many occupations. Many of them were (34) inventors than scientists. A man who is a pure scientist is primarily interested in doing his research (35) .He is not necessarily working so that his findings can be used. An inventor or one interested in applied science is (36) trying to make s A. seldom B. sometimes C. usually D. never [单项选择]地理大发现后,影响亚欧大陆居民生活的美洲农产品有()。
A. 花生、亚麻、玉米等 B. 西红柿、玉米、胡椒等 C. 花生、马铃薯、胡椒等 D. 马铃薯、西红柿、玉米等 [单项选择]逍遥散的功用不包括
A. 疏肝 B. 解郁 C. 活血 D. 健脾 E. 养血 [简答题]A事件发生概率为0.6,B事件发生概率为0.5,问A,B都不发生的最大概率
[单选题]公函正文一般包括以下几层( )。
A.简要介绍背景情况 B.商洽、询问、答复的事项和问题 C.批评 D.希望和要求,如:“务希研究承复”,“敬请大力支持为盼”等 [单项选择]关于电子支付的叙述,______是错误的。
A. 基于网络平台进行存储、支付和流通 B. 具有储蓄、信贷和现金结算等功能 C. 使用简便、迅速 D. 不需要经过银行专用网络 [单选题] 不属于社会库存价格分析表内容的是( )。
A.品牌规格零售价 B.安全预警库存天数 C.社会库存预计可销天数 D.价格异常信息处理 [单项选择]可经细胞被动转移的超敏反应类型为()
A. Ⅰ型超敏反应 B. Ⅱ型超敏反应 C. Ⅲ型超敏反应 D. Ⅰ、Ⅱ型超敏反应 E. Ⅳ型超敏反应 [多选题]竣工检验时,应按照(____),对受电工程进行全面检验。
A.国家标准 B.电力行业标准 C.电力行业规程 D.客户竣工报验资料 [多选题]总队级以下领导职务对应的管理指挥干部最低职级分别有哪些?
A.总队级正职对应一级专员;总队级副职对应二级专员。 B.支队级正职对应一级督导员;支队级副职对应二级督导员。 C.大队级正职对应一级助理员;大队级副职对应二级助理员。 D.站(中队)级正职对应三级助理员;站(中队)级副职对应四级助理员。 我来回答: 提交