Industry should get rid of half its
bosses, says behavioral psychologist Alfred J. Marrow." Adults are quite capable
of handling their lives outside their homes, at their jobs," Marrow said in an
interview. They need fewer supervisors and managers, not more. As president of the American Board of Professional Psychology, he’s heard the complaint from working people over and over again: too many bosses. If a shirt manufacturer’s customers are returning merchandise because the collars are crooked, he said, the people who make the shirts are more likely than management to identify the problem quickly if they get together to talk about it. But if the boss comes on as an adversary, bawling them out for bad work and threatening to or actually firing some, the remaining workers will probably react A. to inform us that people are dissatisfied with their wages and hours B. to explain that" job enrichment" creates job C. to suggest that bosses hinder production more than they help it D. to persuade us to carry out our greater" job simplification" [填空题] 【6】 是Java的特殊应用程序,它嵌入到HTML中,发布到互联网上。
A. 编码序列 B. 结构基因序列 C. 出现在成熟mRNA中 D. 出现在hnRNA中 E. 不被转录 [多项选择]欧盟从投资决策机制的角度,把项目周期分为( )等阶段。
A. 融资 B. 评估 C. 运营 D. 后评价 E. 规划 [单选题]中国人民银行或其分支机构在评估中发现金融机构在反洗钱工作中存在问题的,应及时发出( ),进行风险提示,要求其采取相应的防范措施。
A.《反洗钱非现场监管约见谈话记录》 B.《反洗钱非现场监管走访通知书》 C.《反洗钱非现场监管意见书》 D.《反洗钱非现场监管信息补充报送通知书》 [单项选择]After much _________ they decided to give him the position of manager.
A. communication B. composition C. decision D. calculation [单选题].三角洗手盆的排水口须连接( )管路。
A.给水 B.排水 C.温水 D.取暖水箱 [多选题]CRH2A动车组在车体外侧面上,设置了 ( )
A.车侧显示灯 B.目的地显示器 C.车号显示器 D.温度显示器 [单项选择]急性脓胸最常继发于()
A. 肺内感染 B. 膈下脓肿 C. 脓毒血症 D. 胸膜腔积液 E. 开胸手术污染胸膜腔 [判断题]风控中的税务数据不能体现企业经营状态
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]在镜头长度的概念中,被称为“描写长度”的是().
A. 情绪长度 B. 叙述长度 C. 节奏长度 D. 画面长度 [多选题]针对不同的培训人员,应分层次进行反洗钱培训,反洗钱培训方式可分为( )等。
A.授课形式 B.座谈形式 C.会议形式 D.宣传形式 [判断题]变电站内线路PT的作用是检无压和检同期。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]为调整菌群严重失调,应使用()。
A. 维生素 B. 纤维素 C. 抗生素 D. 益生素 E. 营养素 [单选题]对于有互供设备的变配电所,应装设符合互供条件要求的电测仪表。例如,当功率有送、受关系时,就需要安装两组( )和有双向标度尺的功率表。
A.电流表 B.电能表 C.电压表 D.功率因数表 我来回答: 提交