Globalization used to mean, by and
large, that business expanded from developed to emerging economies. Now it flows
in both directions, and increasingly also from one developing economy to
another. Business these days is all about "competing with everyone from
everywhere for everything", write the authors of "Globality", a new book on this
latest phase of globalization by the Boston Consulting Group (BCG). One sign of the times is the growing number of companies from emerging markets that appear in the Fortune 500 rankings of the world’s biggest firms. It now stands at 62, mostly from the so-called BRIC economies of Brazil, Russia, India and China, up from 31 in 2003, and is set to rise rapidly. On current trends, emerging-market companies will account for one-third of the Fortune list within ten years, predicts Mark A. More companies from emerging markets come on the Fortune 500 list. B. Lenovo bought the right of using IBM brand for five years. C. Companies from emerging markets began to take position in global market. D. The traditional one-direction globalization has been shifting into multi-direction one. [单选题]队(站)务会,( )至少召开1次,由中队(站)首长主持。
A.每日 B.每周 C.每月 D.每月或者一个工作阶段 [单选题]( )塔里木井下作业中对于35MPa、70MPa节流管汇,待命工况处于常开的是( )。
A. J3a J4 J2b J6b J7 B.J0 J2b J3a J5 J6a J7 J10 C.J3a J3b J4 J5 J6a D.J3b J6b J5 J6a J4 [单选题]需要层次理论的提出者和代表人物是( )。
A.马斯洛 B.韦纳 C.阿特金森 D.班杜拉 [单项选择]根据人际交往的礼节,导游人员在介绍他人时,一般是()。
A. 将身份高者介绍给身份低者 B. 将年长者介绍给年轻者 C. 将男士介绍给女士 D. 将客人介绍给主人 [简答题]请写出在Word中设置段落对齐的几种方式。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]( )是旅客列车火灾的特点。
A.群死、群伤 B.影响奖金 C.影响货物收益 D.货物损失大 [简答题]调车领导人变更计划时,必须布置( ),并按规定传达。
A. 《论语》是记述孔子及其弟子言行的语录体散文集 B. 《史记》是一部编年体通史,被评为“史家之绝唱” C. 《国语》是我国第一部国别体史书 D. 《左传》是我国第一部叙事详备的编年体史书 [单选题]食品保存期与食品pH值有关,使用苯甲酸时要注意pH值应为( )。
A.<4.0 B.4.5~5.5 C.5.5~6.5 D.6.6~7.0 E.>8.0 [判断题]乙烷引起的火灾属于B类火灾。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]容量在 100kVA 以上者,熔丝按变压器容量额定电流的() 选择。
A.1~2倍; B.1.5~2倍; C.2~3倍; D.3~4倍 [单选题]对筒式导轴承油沟外角,说法正确的是:( )。
A.基本上与上油量q成反比,与主轴额定转速ne成正比 B.基本上与上油量q成正比,与主轴额定转速ne成反比; C.基本上与上油量q成反比,与主轴额定转速ne成反比; D.基本上与上油量q成正比,与主轴额定转速ne成正比。 [填空题]对工作条件复杂,有触电危险的工作,应设( )。( )
A.杆号 B.线路名称和杆号 C.杆基 D.线路名称 [简答题]某离心鼓风机的转子,质量为50千克,转速为3000转/分,若其平衡精度为G6.3级,转子质量对称分布,平衡校正平面的两个允差偏心距e为16毫米,求每个平衡校正面上允许的剩余不平衡量是多少?
A. 血常规 B. 尿常规 C. 肥达反应 D. 外-斐反应 E. 麻疹抗体 F. 出血热荧光抗体 [单项选择]
While the polltakers are most widely known for their political surveys, the greatest part of their work is on behalf of American business. There are three kinds of commercial surveys. One is a public relations research, such as that done for banks, which finds out how the public feels about a company. Another is employee-attitude research, which learns from rank-and-file workers how they really feel about their jobs and their bosses, and which can avert strikes by getting to the bottom of grievances quickly. The third, and probably most spectacular, is marketing research, testing public receptivity to products and designs. The investment a company must make for a new product is enormous--$ 5,000,000 to $ 10,000,000, for instance, for just one new product. Through the surveys a company can discover in advance what objections the public has to competing products, and whether it really wants a new one. These surveys are actually a new set of signals permitting better communication b [不定项选择题]A.对抗养护技术
A.气调养护技术 B.埋藏养护技术 C.化学药剂养护技术 D.冷藏养护技术 E.需要特别注意对人体无害的是 [单选题]关系营销的概念是( )提出的。
A.巴巴拉·本德·杰克逊 B.罗伯特·韦兰 C.保罗·科尔 D.Gartner Group [多项选择]7号信令MTP3信令网管理功能包括().
A. 信令业务管理 B. 信令链路管理 C. 信令路由管理 [单项选择]紧张性头痛的发病机制与下列有关的为()
A. 精神高度紧张 B. 头颈部肌肉收缩或缺血 C. 遗传因素 D. 内分泌与代谢因素 E. 饮食不调 [单项选择]下列特征中不是面向对象方法的主要特征的是( )。
A. 多态性 B. 继承 C. 封装性 D. 模块化 [填空题]服务号901~999为_____。
[判断题]在拱形换向器中,V形绝缘环是关键零件,它的主要作用是垫在换向片组与压圈、套筒之间作对地绝缘,是不承受机械载荷的电气绝缘件。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]ZPW-2000A无绝缘轨道电路小轨道信息通过()区段接收器处理,通过小轨道条件(XG、XGH)送回本区段接收器,作为小轨道检查条件(XGJ、XGJH)。 ( )
A.前方相邻 B.后方相邻 C.本区段 D.本区段与前方相邻 [单项选择]传感器的基本特性即()特性而这些基本特性决定着传感器性能的优劣并由具体的性能指标来考核。
A. 线性-非线性 B. 输入-输出 C. 转换-控制 D. 物性-结构 [判断题]经营管理人才是指在企业及其职能部门中担任领导职务并具有决策、管理权的人员,主要包括董事和监事、企业经理人和党委(党组)负责人、部门经理或主管等人员。
[单项选择]按重量计算含磷为16%的磷铜母合金 ( )
A. 22 B. 26 C. 27 D. 32 [多选题](易)( )思想政治工作的根本任务,是由( )决定的, 也是由( )决定的。
A.党的纲领、宗旨和历史使命 B.党章及相关规定 C.思想政治工作的对象、规律和特点 D.党支部书记的沟通能力 [简答题](62208)直流牵引电动机电刷装置在运行中的主要故障有哪些?(5.0分)
[单选题]The northern parts of the United States get very cold in the winter.It snows a great deal and the?temperature often goes_____21_____zero degree in January,_____22_____and March.But the northeastern and?northcentral regions of____23______have been financial and industrial centers,and they are heavily polluted.
In recent years,people in these regions have begun to take vacations_____24_____these cold winter?months.They go to southern parts of the country____25______it is warmer.Many go to Florida where the?weather is_____26_____.Others go to the southwestern states of Arizona,New Mexico and Texas where they._____27_____dry desert climates.
It has become_____28_____nowadays.for old people to move south to these places_____29_____they?retire.Typically these people sell their houses in their home communities and move south to begin a?new life_____30_____senior citizens.
Their children likely have homes_____31_____and many of them are moving south_____32_____communities?where they were_____33_____.The southern and southwestern parts of the country are now growing_____34_____any?other part.Business and industry_____35_____many offices and factories in the south.California is already?the most popular state in the country.
A.born B.raised C.lost D.found [单项选择]女,45岁,晚餐后4小时突发中上腹剧痛,既往有胆石症病史。查体:皮肤巩膜黄染,中腹带状压痛,可疑反跳痛,右肋下触及肿大的胆囊,并有明显触痛。化验血清淀粉酶600U(Somogyi法)。入院后黄疸进行性加深。最关键的治疗是
A. 止痛、解痉 B. 输液 C. 禁食 D. 手术解除胆道梗阻 我来回答: 提交