Some people argue that self-plagiarism (自我剽窃) is impossible by definition because plagiarism is theft and people cannot steal from their own work. But, this is not correct in law. And there are circumstances, such as insurance fraud (保险欺), etc., when it is possible to steal from oneself.
Self-plagiarism, however, must be carefully distinguished from the recycling of one’s work that to a greater or lesser extent everyone legally does. Self-plagiarism in academic (学术的) publications is a gray area. However, many universities indirectly recognize the practice as deceptive. They publish rules preventing students from handing in basically the same essay for credit in different courses. There are also rules against someone handing in the same graduate thesis to different universities. Among established academics, self-plagiarism is a problem. It means basically the same article or book is handed in on more than one occasion for salary raising or
A. beautiful
B. detailed
C. surface
D. general
The Stone age, the Iron age. Entire
epochs have been named for materials. So what to name the decades ahead The
choice will be tough. Welcome to the age of superstuff. Material science--once
the least sexy technology—is bursting with new, practical discoveries led by
superconducting ceramics that may revolutionize electronics. But superconductors
are just part of the picture: from houses and cars to cook pots and artificial
teeth, the world will sometime be made of different stuff. Exotic plastics,
glass and ceramics will shape the future just as surely as have genetic
engineering and computer science. The key to the new materials is researchers’ incre A. To compare them with the new materials. B. To show the significance of the new materials on the future world. C. To compare the new materials with them. D. To explain his point. [单选题]益母草的功效是( )
A.活血调经,利尿,清热通便 B.活血止痛,消癥散结 C.活血调经,利水消肿,清热解毒 D.活血通经,凉血止血 E.破血消癥,消肿生肌 [单选题]冲击地压煤层内掘进巷道贯通时,应当在距离贯通点多少米之前开始采取防冲专项措施。
A.20米 B.30米 C.40米 D.50米 [单选题] ( )市场一般属于巩固、防御型市场,某产品在市场上占据着很大市场份额,无论品牌还是产品在当地都具备很强的影响力。
A.成长型 B.成熟型 C.进攻型 D.机会型 [判断题]各级安全监管监察机构将安全生产教育培训列入日常监察、专项监察和重点监察内容。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]以下关于入户抢劫的说法正确的是 )。
A.一般情况下,集体宿舍、旅店宾馆、临时搭建工棚等不应认定为户 B.抢劫行为虽然发生在户内,但行为人不以实施抢劫等犯罪为目的进入他人住所,而是在户内临时起意实施抢劫的,不属于入户抢劫 C.暴力或者暴力胁迫行为必须发生在户内,才属入户抢劫 D.入户实施盗窃被发现,行为人为窝藏赃物、抗拒抓捕或者毁灭罪证而当场使用暴力或者以暴力相威胁的,暴力或者暴力胁迫行为发生在户内或户外,均可以认定为入户抢劫 [简答题]什么是景深?叙述景深三要素及其与景深的关系。
[多项选择]下列会计档案永久保管有( )。
A. 年度财务会计报告 B. 季度财务会计报告 C. 会计档案局保管员清册 D. 会计档案局销毁清册 [判断题]外挂设备坠落的主要成因:安装固定不牢固。
A.正确 B.错误 [名词解释]民族结构
A.上半部 B.下半部 C.上、下半部皆可 D.未知 [多项选择]根据世界组织最新定义,健康应包括()
A. 身体健康 B. 生理健康 C. 心理健康 D. 心态健康 [填空题]YZ—1型制动机双阀口式中继阀排风口不严或列车管系及折角塞门泄漏,当操纵大闸手把到保压位,会造成均衡风缸保压,列车管压力( )。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]车票改签后不得办理退票。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]某代表团有756名成员,现要对
A、B两议案都反对的有169人,则赞成A议案且反对B议案的有( )。
A.293人 B.297人 C.302人 D.306人 [单选题]飞机盥洗室内洗手池内的废水排放至:( )
A.废水箱内 B.直接排向机外 C.通过加温的排放管加温后排向机外 D.通过加温的排放管加温后排向废水箱内 [单项选择]以“心里想”、“心里又想”领起的人物描写方法是()
A. 行为描写 B. 语言描写 C. 直接心理描写 D. 典型细节描写 [单选题]《变电评价管理规定第55分册辅助设施检修策略》:自学数据不能传至适配器本体时,检查传输适配器与五防主机之间的连接,检查传输( )是否运行正常,若故障进行更换。
A.五防主机 B.电脑钥匙 C.监控机 D.传输适配器 [单选题]要充分估计国际格局发展演变的复杂性,但更要看到( )向前推进的态势不会改变。
A.文化多样化 B.世界多极化 C.经济全球化 D.社会信息化 [判断题]在附加追索权的应收账款转让中,应收账款的坏账损失由银行承担。( )
[判断题]当采用利用系数法计算负荷时,短时或周期工作制电动机应统一换算到负载持续率为25%下的功率。( )
A. 流转税、负债税、财产税、资源税和行为目的税 B. 流转税、收益税、财产税、增值税和行为目的税 C. 流转税、收益税、财产税、资源税和行为目的税 D. 地方税、收益税、财产税、资源税和行为目的税 [简答题]绿茶的泡法有哪些?
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