Questions 51 - 55 are based on
the following passage. I was dirty, smelly, hungry and somewhere beneath all that, suntanned. It was the end of an Inter-Rail holiday. My body couldn’t take any more punishment. My mind couldn’t deal with any more foreign timetables, currencies or languages. "Never again," I said, as I stepped onto home ground. I said exactly the same thing the following year. And the next. All I had to do was buy one train ticket and, because I was under twenty-five years old, I could spend a whole A. he felt ill B. he disliked trains C. he was tired from the journey D. he had lost money [单选题]放置宫内节育器后出现腰酸腹胀的原因
A.节育器与官腔大小或形态不符 B.宫腔感染 C.肠痉挛 D.节育器嵌顿 E.节育器异位 [判断题]防护员岗位职责,在工长的领导下,协助工长搞好安全工作。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]4.195. 第195题
市场化用户当月电价执行错误,应该逐级审批后按差价做退补电费 A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]下列关于被覆黏膜错误的是
A.黏膜表层无角化 B.上皮与结缔组织交界面凹凸不平 C.颊黏膜有时可出现成簇的粟粒状淡黄色小颗粒 D.固有层结缔组织乳头短粗 E.黏膜下层疏松,富有弹性,有一定活动度 [单选题]线路坡度超过( ),长度为2km及以上的坡道为长大下坡道。
A.6‰ B.12‰ C.20‰ [单选题]社会主义核心价值观的()集中体现在它是社会主义所坚持和追求的价值理念。
A.空想性 B.先进性 C.抽象性 D.保守性 [单选题]消防头盔由()等主要部件组成。
A.披肩和下颏带 B.帽壳和面罩 C.佩戴装置 D.以上选项全对 [简答题]防止第二类回火脆性的方法?
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]报告事故应当包括哪些内容?
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