{{B}}Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard.{{/B}} |
Have you ever thought about what
determines the way we are as we grow up Remember the TV program "Seven Up" It
started following the lives of a group of children in 1963. We first meet them
as wide-eyed seven-year-olds and then catch up with them at seven-year
intervals: nervous 14-year-olds, serious 21 -year-olds, then
grown-ups. Some of the stories are inspiring, others sad, but what is interesting in almost all the cases is the way in which the children’s early hopes and dreams are shown in their future lives. For example, at seven, Tony is a lively child who says he wants to become a sportsman or a taxi driver. When he grows up, he goes on to do both. How about Nicki She says," I’d like to find out about the moon." And she goes on to become a space scientist. As a child, soft-spoken Bruce says he wants to help "poor childre A. New ways to make a TV program interesting. B. The importance of television programs to children. C. Different ways to make childhood dreams come true. D. The influence of childhood experience on future lives. [简答题]筒析法国在19世纪末20世纪初经济发展缓慢的原因。
[单项选择]Much as I would like to help, I really must take care of my term paper.()
A. 因为我想帮忙,所以我要抓紧写论文了。 B. 我也很想帮忙,可是我还有学期论文要写。 C. 我很想帮忙,只是我还要整理本学期的试卷。 D. 虽然要整理本学期的试卷,我还是很想帮忙。 [单项选择]附着水平所指的距离是
A. 龈缘~釉牙骨质界 B. 釉牙骨质界~袋底 C. 龈缘~袋底 D. 切缘~龈缘 E. 切缘~釉牙骨质界 [单选题]索道运行速度应根据所运输物件的重量,调整发动机转速。载重小车通过支架时,牵引速度应( ),通过支架后方可正常运行。
A.加速 B.缓慢 C.匀速 D.平稳 [单项选择]最常见的肛管直肠周围脓肿是
A. 肛周脓肿 B. 坐骨直肠窝脓肿 C. 骨盆直肠脓肿 D. 直肠后窝脓肿 E. 高位肌间脓肿 [填空题]()是信息资源的最大拥有者,也是国家最大的信息资源生产者、()和发布者。
W: Why do the Japanese have such a long life expectancy A. Their outgoing personality. B. Their work environment. C. Their usual food and drink. D. Their healthy lifestyle. [多选题]下列关于送达的说法不正确的是:( )
A.人民法院向甲送达判决书时,甲不在家,人民 法院将判决书交给其10岁的儿子乙 B.人民法院向甲送达调解书,甲不在家,人民法 院将调解书交给其配偶丙 C.人民法院向甲送达判决书,甲拒不接受,人民 法院将判决书交由甲的邻居丁转交 D.人民法院发现挂号信回执上注明的收件日期 与送达回证注明的收件日期不一样的,应当以送达回 证上注明的收件日期为准 [单项选择]军事测绘单位的测绘资质审查由( )负责。
A. 军事测绘主管部门 B. 国家测绘行政主管部门 C. 国务院土地行政主管部门 D. 国务院建设部门和国务院测绘行政主管部门 [单选题]关于视网膜,下列哪项描述是错误的?
A.为一层透明膜 B.是视觉形成的神经信 息传递的第一站 C.黄斑区是生理盲点 D.视细胞包括杆细胞和 锥细胞 [判断题]列车进路包括接车进路、发车进路和通过进路,延续进路为发车进路的一部分。( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交